[Debian-med-packaging] Bug#645487: ensembl: includes GPL code without source

William Spooner william.spooner at eaglegenomics.com
Wed Nov 30 13:59:40 UTC 2011

On 30 Nov 2011, at 13:53, Andreas Tille wrote:

> Hi William,
> On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 01:13:06PM +0000, William Spooner wrote:
>> I agree with your comments. The problem we have is knowing where to start with fixing this problem. That is why Steffen suggests waiting until the sprint, where there will be some face-time for him to help us. If this needs to be done sooner, then my response is c) please follow your symlink-suggestion if you have time. We can test at the sprint, and you can help us fix is needed. Jalview is not a vital component of Ensembl, and the package is experimental after all.
> Yes, assuming the package is in experimental for a reason it should not
> be a drastical problem if it might show some issues.  Because I further
> assume it's not fun experimenting with an old version I would decide to
> upgrade the package to the latest version and do the symlinks in this.
> We then could make some noise about a new version and hoping for testers
> *before* the sprint.  This could ensure that we can finally fix the
> problems in the sprint.  IMHO this gives us some extra time.
> Just stop me from doing so if you consider this a bad idea.
>> Many thanks for your understanding. The reason why I have not responded sooner is lack of understanding of the issue.
> No problem.  Feel free to ask next time in case something might be
> unclear.
> Thanks for the clarification.  I might come back in case of trouble with
> the new version.
> Kind regards
>        Andreas.
> -- 
> http://fam-tille.de

Thanks Andreas!

William Spooner
william.spooner at eaglegenomics.com

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