[Debian-med-packaging] Bug#644962: cannot reproduce
Olivier Sallou
olivier.sallou at irisa.fr
Thu Oct 13 14:51:34 UTC 2011
Hash: SHA256
Le 10/13/11 4:21 PM, Luca Capello a écrit :
> forwarded 644962 blastsoft at ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
> thanks
> Hi there!
> For the BLAST folks at NCBI, please see <http://bugs.debian.org/644962>.
> On Tue, 11 Oct 2011 13:37:39 +0200, Olivier Sallou wrote:
>> I unfortunatly cannot reproduce the problem. I would need the sequence
>> that creates the issue, or a fake one reproducing the error.
>> Could be a sequence format that raise an error (bad characters?, even if
>> I tried to do so also).
> Just to repeat myself: the sequence does not seem strange at all and the
> fact that the BLAST website does not give any error means that it should
> work. FYI, BioEdit (through WINE) opens it without any problem:
> <http://www.mbio.ncsu.edu/BioEdit/bioedit.html>
>> If sending the sequence is only an issue with the fact it is logged on
>> public server, maybe you could send me the sequence directly.
> Given that the upstream BLAST authors asked to be directly contacted, do
> you still want to try to debug this?
I will indeed let upstream have a look and will follow the issue.
> As I wrote, I can *privately*
> provide the sequence, which comes from unpublished data (and FWIW I am
> not working on these data).
> On Tue, 11 Oct 2011 17:57:54 +0200, Aaron M. Ucko wrote:
>> On Tue, 11 Oct 2011 16:30:01 +0200, Aaron M. Ucko wrote:
>>> Luca Capello <luca at pca.it> writes:
>>>> [3] RID 8UUGT24C013, in case someone will have access to the logs
>>> I don't have access, but will forward this report to coworkers who do.
>> They report that the details already expired from their records, but
>> invite you to contact them directly at blastsoft at ncbi.nlm.nih.gov.
> Done with this email, forward set as well.
>> FWIW, they're also preparing to issue a 2.2.26+ release that could
>> potentially fare better on your query.
> I can easily use the machine with Mac OS X 10.6.8 to test this new
> release if needed: all the necessary software to build BLAST+ is already
> installed there. Should any pre-release be tested, feel free to provide
> a link to the tarball or a VCS repository.
>>>> Warning: (802.8) NULL pointer found in container: skipping
>>> It looks like you're somehow getting NULL results mixed in; raw ASN.1
>>> output elides them, but other formats entail further processing that
>>> doesn't allow for that possibility (which shouldn't happen, to be fair).
>>> It's hard to tell exactly why, particularly without access to your query
>>> data (whose confidentiality I understand); however, repeating the failing
>>> commands with the environment setting EXCEPTION_STACK_TRACE_LEVEL=Debug
>>> may shed some light on the matter. Could you please do so?
> Even worse ;-)
> =====
> (sid)root at gismo:/srv# export | grep EXCEPTION_STACK_TRACE_LEVEL
> (sid)root at gismo:/srv# export EXCEPTION_STACK_TRACE_LEVEL=Debug
> (sid)root at gismo:/srv# time blastp -query [SEQUENCE-8].fasta \
> -db /srv/blastDB/swissprot -out [SEQUENCE-8].asn1.num-threads-1.debug \
> -evalue 0.001 -num_threads 1 -outfmt 11
> Segmentation fault
> real 0m1.796s
> user 0m0.168s
> sys 0m0.240s
> (sid)root at gismo:/srv# dmesg | tail -n 1
> [17411.690415] blastp[31722]: segfault at 7fff9f272ff8 ip
00007fd1e8839378 \
> sp 00007fff9f273000 error 6 in libstdc++.so.6.0.16[7fd1e8780000+e5000]
> (sid)root at gismo:/srv# time blastp -query [SEQUENCE-8].fasta \
> -db /srv/blastDB/swissprot -out [SEQUENCE-8].xml.num-threads-1.debug \
> -evalue 0.001 -num_threads 1 -outfmt 5
> Segmentation fault
> real 0m0.479s
> user 0m0.172s
> sys 0m0.200s
> (sid)root at gismo:/srv# dmesg | tail -n 1
> [17448.907143] blastp[31852]: segfault at 7fff8b36dff8 ip
00007f34bd5d34b0 \
> sp 00007fff8b36e028 error 6 in libstdc++.so.6.0.16[7f34bd531000+e5000]
> (sid)root at gismo:/srv# time blastp -query [SEQUENCE-8].fasta \
> -db /srv/blastDB/swissprot -out
[SEQUENCE-8].no-outfmt.num-threads-1.debug \
> -evalue 0.001 -num_threads 1
> Segmentation fault
> real 0m0.501s
> user 0m0.160s
> sys 0m0.220s
> (sid)root at gismo:/srv# dmesg | tail -n 1
> [17471.719104] blastp[31924]: segfault at 7fff6f04fff8 ip
00007f914aa7abd6 \
> sp 00007fff6f050000 error 6 in libc-2.13.so[7f914aa06000+17a000]
> (sid)root at gismo:/srv#
> =====
> Thx, bye,
> Gismo / Luca
- --
Olivier Sallou
IRISA / University of Rennes 1
Campus de Beaulieu, 35000 RENNES - FRANCE
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