[Debian-med-packaging] Debian Med! (Was: Debian Med?)
Tim Booth
tbooth at ceh.ac.uk
Fri Aug 10 11:59:40 UTC 2012
> > In terms of Debian vs. Ubuntu there are various differences between the
> > two systems that mean you can't necessarily package for Ubuntu and
> > assume everything is right for Debian - but, as Andreas says, you are
> > not the first person to come across this issue.
> As far as I know about those differences it is because we might be a bit
> picky about lintian issues and such things. My guess is that the
> differences which are needed in Precise would be quite small (I'd be
> keen to know if I'm wrong here.)
There are few outright incompatibilities but there are a few things that
matter for Ubuntu but not for Debian and vice versa - for example I've
been tweaking various .desktop files to work nicely in the Unity
environment (eg for ARB). I've not committed anything back to SVN yet
as I know Unity isn't a specific issue for Debian but I will, so as to
keep everything neat.
On the other hand, I think Debian still wants me to provide entries
under /etc/menu which I'd not normally bother with for an Ubuntu
> BTW, I could imagine some autobuild process for BioLinux. I know that
> NeuroDebian team does autobuild packages for a set of Debian and Ubuntu
> releases. You might like to talk to them to create BioLinux releases
> more effective. These people are lurking on Debian Med mailing list.
I'm spending more time right now on "problem solving" than on repetitive
tasks, so auto-building is a nice-to-have but not something that would
speed up the arrival of BL7. I am, however, trying to do things in a
way that can be automated - eg. using build scripts and packages rather
than making ad-hoc changes.
> > I've just reached "M" on my TODO list of packages so Qiime is right in
> > my sights for today. I have a backported version for Ubuntu Lucid that
> > incorporates various fixes but is totally forked from the version in
> > Debian Med (as Lucid doens't support the python2 build helper). Now I'm
> > working on Precise I'm planning to grab the latest version from Alioth
> > SVN and then see if I need to apply any fixes to it to get the same
> > functionality as I had before. If I see the fixes are also relevant to
> > Debian I'll work with Charles to merge them back into Debian.
> Hint: The new package recommends python-biom-format which is for sure in
> Debian unstable - you might need to take this over as well.
Cheers - Soon also mentioned that to me as he's been using the new Qiime
(which won't run on BL6 due to needing updated Python) recently.
> Arb is as well in Debian non-free. It might make sense to settle with
> one single packaging. I admit I did some things years ago which I would
> not do these days. Please have a look into this and change whatever you
> feel worth changing. (BTW, arb is my most hated Debian Med package -
> I never was able to simply build it but always had to deal with certain
> issues and patches. :-()
I'll have some minor fixes to push but I'm not changing your overall
setup - it was clearly a heroic effort given how wacky the whole
codebase is.
> It would be worth checking. We should try to reach a zero diff between
> Debian Med and BioLinux packaging code if possible. Perhaps nagging
> some upstream about freeing their stuff would be helpful as well.
I'll see what I can do. One obvious change would be to change the
default clusterer from uClust to a free alternative. Qiime does support
this, but I need to consult the developers on how sensible it is to set
this by default.
Tim Booth <tbooth at ceh.ac.uk>
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