[Debian-med-packaging] Status of ball

Hildebrandt, Prof. Dr. Andreas Andreas.Hildebrandt at uni-mainz.de
Tue Aug 14 08:38:41 UTC 2012

Hi Andreas,

Thanks for your mail and the explanations. We are currently working on
untangling the patches, but it's pretty nontrivial. I hope we'll have a
better patch ready later today. The current commit was just to test if the
current version of BALL would compile on testing at all (which seems to
work). I did not upload it yet because (as you noticed) it merges a lot of
other stuff, too. I did not even want to push it, but as it seems, I
inadvertently did.

By the way, I am using pristine-tar on my machine, but I'll check if the
branch was not pushed for some reason. I'll also set the mailing list as
maintainer in the future.



Am 14.08.12 09:15 schrieb "Andreas Tille" unter <andreas at an3as.eu>:

>Hi Andreas,
>to some extend by chance I stumbled upon bug #674226 and I'm a bit
>unsure how to proceed.  My wording "by chance" is that I was poking in
>the list of Debian RC bugs to speed up the release a bit in general to
>shorten the release cycle and enable the Debian Med team to do some even
>more exciting stuff for the next release.  I went to the general list of
>bugs because I assumed we have done all relevant Debian Med RC bugs now.
>Unfortunately this was obviosely not true because the RC bug in ball was
>somehow hidden because it does not follow or policy[1] and set the
>mailing list as maintainer and so the problem did not showed up on our
>bug list[2].  So I wonder whether somebody has introduced you into the
>advantages you might gain when joining the Debian Med team a bit closer
>and using the resources Debian might provide a bit more effectively.
>I know you are maintaining the ball packag in Debian Med Git repository.
>Unfortunately this repository does not really follow our rules featuring
>a branch which lets pristine-tar recreate the orig.tar.gz file and thus
>does not enable building by using git-buildpackage.
>Inside the Git repository I found some changelog entry saying:
>ball (1.4.1+20111206-3.1) unstable; urgency=low
>  * Non-maintainer upload.
>  * Merged many upstream fixes that will be part of BALL 1.4.2
>  * Should fix compile problems with newer g++
> -- Andreas Hildebrandt <andreas.hildebrandt at uni-mainz.de>  Sun, 12 Aug
>2012 23:45:39 +0200
>This entry triggers several questions:
>  1. Why is this a Non-maintainer upload?
>  2. If target distribution is set to "unstable" is the package
>     actually uploaded or not (or group policy[1] says you should
>     set UNRELEASED to make this clear)
>     I can not see any sign for an upload (if the maintainer
>     field would have been set to the mailing list this question
>     would not occure.)  Did you asked for sponsering?
>  3. What means "should" fix compile problems with newer g++ ?
>     Does it close the bug or not and if yes, why is the closes
>     statement missing
>  4. If the upload should close the bug in testing which is currently
>     frozen you should fix only those problems that are relevant for
>     problems which are reported as release critical bugs.  So things
>     like "Merged many upstream fixes ..." are really problematic
>     because the release team will most probably refuse to take over
>     this package and will rather kick ball out of the next release.
>So how to we want to proceede from here?  My suggestion is twofold for
>the different states of release
>  I. For the currently frozen package:
>     We need to provide a *simple* patch addressing the gcc++
>     problem and we probably should do this using quilt by doing
>     a minimum of changes to the latest uploaded version.  Could
>     you provide such a simple patch?  Please also foreward this
>     patch to the bug address to keep other bug hunters informed
>     that the issue is dealt with.
>     I would volunteer to sponsor this patched package to fix the
>     bug.
> II. For the future:
>     Provided that you agree to follow the Debian Med policy we should
>     make the Git archive conform to our rules.  IMHO it does not help
>     to have a simple clone of your upstream development repository
>     (other team members might see this differently) and I would rather
>     prefer if only released versions would be imported using
>     pristine-tar (see [1]).  If you insist in having the fill upstream
>     history this is fine but we should get a working pristine-tar
>     branch in addition.  Our Git experts will probably help you in
>     creating this.
>     Moreover we should follow the usual team maintenance rules in
>     our policy[1] and I would recommend you should become more verbose
>     on our mailing lists about sponsoring requests and possibly other
>     issues we might discuss in public.
>Kind regards
>       Andreas.
>PS: Steffen, your remark in BTS from
>    Date: Tue, 29 May 2012 18:22:14 +0200
>    in the BTS is quite useless.  What should this tell the reader of
>    the bug report?  It would have been more helpful if you would
>    have introduced Andreas more deeply into the rules inside our
>    team and the general rules in Freeze time.
>[1] http://debian-med.alioth.debian.org/docs/policy.html
>[2] http://bugs.debian.org/debian-med-packaging@lists.alioth.debian.org

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