[Debian-med-packaging] Bug#653825: [RFR] templates://biomaj-watcher/{templates}

Christian PERRIER bubulle at debian.org
Thu Jan 12 06:02:46 UTC 2012

Please find, for review, the debconf templates and packages descriptions for the biomaj-watcher source package.

This review will last from Thursday, January 12, 2012 to Sunday, January 22, 2012.

Please send reviews as unified diffs (diff -u) against the original
files. Comments about your proposed changes will be appreciated.

Your review should be sent as an answer to this mail.

When appropriate, I will send intermediate requests for review, with
"[RFRn]" (n>=2) as a subject tag.

When we will reach a consensus, I send a "Last Chance For
Comments" mail with "[LCFC]" as a subject tag.

Finally, a summary will be sent to the review bug report,
and a mail will be sent to this list with "[BTS]" as a subject tag.

--- biomaj-watcher.old/debian/templates	2011-12-31 10:13:08.842651005 +0100
+++ biomaj-watcher/debian/templates	2012-01-08 08:10:59.975451605 +0100
@@ -1,25 +1,35 @@
 Template: biomaj/login
 Type: string
 Default: admin
-_Description: Administration interface admin login:
+_Description: Login for administration interface of BioMAJ:
+ Please enter the login to use when connecting to the
+ web administration interface of BioMAJ.

It's good to repeat what the login is for, as this installation might
happen in the middle of many other software installation.

Also add a long description to the template.

 #Template: biomaj/password
 #Type: password
-#_Description: Administration interface admin password:
+#_Description: Password for administration interface of BioMAJ:
+# Please enter the password to use when connecting to the
+# web administration interface of BioMAJ.

Even if it's currently commented, I reviewed that part too, just in case.

 Template: biomaj/ldap
 Type: boolean
-_Description: Want to configure LDAP now ?
+_Description: Configure LDAP authentication?
+ Please choose whether you want to enter parameters for
+ the LDAP authentication for BioMAJ.

More neutral wording. I assumed that "LDAP configuration" is not the
configuration of the local LDAP but of course, the configuration of
BioMAJ to use LDAP auth..:-)

 Template: biomaj/ldap_server
 Type: string
-_Description: Enter LDAP server:
+_Description: LDAP server:
+ Please enter the host name or IP address of the
+ LDAP server to use for authentication.

More details.
 Template: biomaj/ldap_dn
 Type: string
-_Description: Enter LDAP DN:
+_Description: LDAP DN:
+ Please enter the Distinguished Name to use for
+ LDAP authentication.

More details again
 Template: biomaj/ldap_filter
 Type: string
-_Description: Enter LDAP filter (empty if not needed):
+_Description: LDAP filter (empty if not needed):

Indeed, I have no idea about what this stands for. Maintainer input
needed, here.

--- biomaj-watcher.old/debian/control	2011-12-31 10:13:08.842651005 +0100
+++ biomaj-watcher/debian/control	2012-01-08 08:12:39.517959100 +0100
@@ -18,13 +18,19 @@
 Depends: ${misc:Depends}, openjdk-6-jdk|default-jdk|java6-sdk, tomcat6 (>=6.0.32-3), biomaj (>= 1.2), debconf,
  liblog4j1.2-java, libjsch-java (>= 0.1.42),libjdom1-java (>= 1.1), libcommons-lang-java (>=2.4),
  libcommons-logging-java (>=1.1),libquartz-java(>=1.6),libxerces2-java, unzip, zip, libgnumail-java
-Description: BioMAJ web interface
+Description: web interface for BioMAJ

preferred way to write things...;and avoids a leading capital letter

+ BioMAJ downloads remote data banks, checks their status and applies
+ transformation workflows, with consistent state, to provide ready-to-use
+ data for biologists and bioinformaticians. For example, it can transform
+ original FASTA files into BLAST indexes. It is very flexible and its
+ post-processing facilities can be extended very easily.
+ .

This paragraph is picked from the reviewed description of BioMAJ. It
is good to re-add this here to explain what BioMAJ is, in case people
come on this description without a clear idea about BioMAJ (this can
happen when searching for keywords on the package database).

  BioMAJ watcher provide a management interface for the Biomaj tool.
- It runs in a web container (tomcat) and is accessible at address:
+ It runs in a web container (Tomcat) and is accessible at address:

preferred spelling of Tomcat

  The web interface calls the biomaj binary, and can run bank updates,
- removal and list. A cron manager is integrated to schedule bank update.
- At last, it integrates a bank properties editor to define or modify banks.
- The intterface administrator has special priviledges while anonymous user
+ removal and list. A cron manager is integrated to schedule bank updates.
+ It also provides a bank properties editor to define or modify banks.
+ The interface administrator has special privileges while anonymous users
  can get an overview of available data.

Bank updateS, there won't be only one of these..:-)

Correct spelling of "interface" and minor rewording.


-------------- next part --------------
Template: biomaj/login
Type: string
Default: admin
_Description: Login for administration interface of BioMAJ:
 Please enter the login to use when connecting to the
 web administration interface of BioMAJ.

#Template: biomaj/password
#Type: password
#_Description: Password for administration interface of BioMAJ:
# Please enter the password to use when connecting to the
# web administration interface of BioMAJ.

Template: biomaj/ldap
Type: boolean
_Description: Configure LDAP authentication?
 Please choose whether you want to enter parameters for
 the LDAP authentication for BioMAJ.

Template: biomaj/ldap_server
Type: string
_Description: LDAP server:
 Please enter the host name or IP address of the
 LDAP server to use for authentication.

Template: biomaj/ldap_dn
Type: string
_Description: LDAP DN:
 Please enter the Distinguished Name to use for
 LDAP authentication.

Template: biomaj/ldap_filter
Type: string
_Description: LDAP filter (empty if not needed):

-------------- next part --------------
--- biomaj-watcher.old/debian/templates	2011-12-31 10:13:08.842651005 +0100
+++ biomaj-watcher/debian/templates	2012-01-08 08:10:59.975451605 +0100
@@ -1,25 +1,35 @@
 Template: biomaj/login
 Type: string
 Default: admin
-_Description: Administration interface admin login:
+_Description: Login for administration interface of BioMAJ:
+ Please enter the login to use when connecting to the
+ web administration interface of BioMAJ.
 #Template: biomaj/password
 #Type: password
-#_Description: Administration interface admin password:
+#_Description: Password for administration interface of BioMAJ:
+# Please enter the password to use when connecting to the
+# web administration interface of BioMAJ.
 Template: biomaj/ldap
 Type: boolean
-_Description: Want to configure LDAP now ?
+_Description: Configure LDAP authentication?
+ Please choose whether you want to enter parameters for
+ the LDAP authentication for BioMAJ.
 Template: biomaj/ldap_server
 Type: string
-_Description: Enter LDAP server:
+_Description: LDAP server:
+ Please enter the host name or IP address of the
+ LDAP server to use for authentication.
 Template: biomaj/ldap_dn
 Type: string
-_Description: Enter LDAP DN:
+_Description: LDAP DN:
+ Please enter the Distinguished Name to use for
+ LDAP authentication.
 Template: biomaj/ldap_filter
 Type: string
-_Description: Enter LDAP filter (empty if not needed):
+_Description: LDAP filter (empty if not needed):
--- biomaj-watcher.old/debian/control	2011-12-31 10:13:08.842651005 +0100
+++ biomaj-watcher/debian/control	2012-01-08 08:12:39.517959100 +0100
@@ -18,13 +18,19 @@
 Depends: ${misc:Depends}, openjdk-6-jdk|default-jdk|java6-sdk, tomcat6 (>=6.0.32-3), biomaj (>= 1.2), debconf,
  liblog4j1.2-java, libjsch-java (>= 0.1.42),libjdom1-java (>= 1.1), libcommons-lang-java (>=2.4),
  libcommons-logging-java (>=1.1),libquartz-java(>=1.6),libxerces2-java, unzip, zip, libgnumail-java
-Description: BioMAJ web interface
+Description: web interface for BioMAJ
+ BioMAJ downloads remote data banks, checks their status and applies
+ transformation workflows, with consistent state, to provide ready-to-use
+ data for biologists and bioinformaticians. For example, it can transform
+ original FASTA files into BLAST indexes. It is very flexible and its
+ post-processing facilities can be extended very easily.
+ .
  BioMAJ watcher provide a management interface for the Biomaj tool.
- It runs in a web container (tomcat) and is accessible at address:
+ It runs in a web container (Tomcat) and is accessible at address:
  The web interface calls the biomaj binary, and can run bank updates,
- removal and list. A cron manager is integrated to schedule bank update.
- At last, it integrates a bank properties editor to define or modify banks.
- The intterface administrator has special priviledges while anonymous user
+ removal and list. A cron manager is integrated to schedule bank updates.
+ It also provides a bank properties editor to define or modify banks.
+ The interface administrator has special privileges while anonymous users
  can get an overview of available data.
-------------- next part --------------
Source: biomaj-watcher
Section: contrib/science
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Debian Med Packaging Team <debian-med-packaging at lists.alioth.debian.org>
Uploaders: Olivier Sallou <olivier.sallou at irisa.fr>
DM-Upload-Allowed: yes
Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/debian-med/trunk/packages/biomaj-watcher/trunk/
Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-med/trunk/packages/biomaj-watcher/trunk/?rev=0&sc=0
Homepage: http://biomaj.genouest.org
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 8),ant(>=1.7), zip, unzip
Build-Depends-Indep: openjdk-6-jdk|default-jdk|java6-sdk, debconf, po-debconf, liblog4j1.2-java, libcommons-lang-java,
 libcommons-logging-java, libjsch-java, libjdom1-java, libquartz-java(>=1.6),libgnumail-java,
 libxerces2-java, javahelper (>=0.25), biomaj (>= 1.2)
Standards-Version: 3.9.2

Package: biomaj-watcher
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}, openjdk-6-jdk|default-jdk|java6-sdk, tomcat6 (>=6.0.32-3), biomaj (>= 1.2), debconf,
 liblog4j1.2-java, libjsch-java (>= 0.1.42),libjdom1-java (>= 1.1), libcommons-lang-java (>=2.4),
 libcommons-logging-java (>=1.1),libquartz-java(>=1.6),libxerces2-java, unzip, zip, libgnumail-java
Description: web interface for BioMAJ
 BioMAJ downloads remote data banks, checks their status and applies
 transformation workflows, with consistent state, to provide ready-to-use
 data for biologists and bioinformaticians. For example, it can transform
 original FASTA files into BLAST indexes. It is very flexible and its
 post-processing facilities can be extended very easily.
 BioMAJ watcher provide a management interface for the Biomaj tool.
 It runs in a web container (Tomcat) and is accessible at address:
 The web interface calls the biomaj binary, and can run bank updates,
 removal and list. A cron manager is integrated to schedule bank updates.
 It also provides a bank properties editor to define or modify banks.
 The interface administrator has special privileges while anonymous users
 can get an overview of available data.
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