[Debian-med-packaging] EMPLOYMENT OFFER
p.mangiarotti at smatteo.pv.it
Thu Jan 26 22:59:10 UTC 2012
Mystery Shopper® Market Research
Mystery Shopper® has available for immediate assignment an inspection
of the customer service of any Wal-Mart in your area. Mystery Shopper®
is the premier mystery shopping company; serving clients across America
and Canada with over 500,000 shoppers available and ready to help
businesses better serve their customers.
Mystery shoppers are either paid a pre-arranged fee for a particular
shop, a reimbursement for a purchase or a combination of both. If you
are interested in this employment reply with your name, address and
phone number to the below contact details for immediate employment and
further details about job.
Morrison Hicks
Tel: 949-407-8183
Email: morrishicks2012 at hotmail.co.uk
La ricerca serve a tutti
Aiutaci a sostenerla. Manchi solo tu.
Dona alla Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo
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