[Debian-med-packaging] Please upload: hhsuite, ffindex, blimps and sift

Laszlo Kajan lkajan at rostlab.org
Tue Mar 6 16:57:48 UTC 2012

Hello Andreas!

> I dropped the extra data package and moved the files straight into
> blimps-utils.  Hope this is fine.

As you wish.

>>> What I would rather would package would probably be the examples (using
>>> dh_installexamples) in a blimps-examples package.
> Done.
>>> In the same line I would also consider a blimps-doc package from the
>>> www directory.
> I installed www/ dir into usr/share/doc/blimps-utils/html - please confirm
> whether you consider this helpful for users or not.

I have no idea. I can not test if any of this works.

> I hope you are fine with my work.  I guess it will not be invasive
> regarding the library because I did not changed anything here.  I just
> like to give other users more information by installing hopefully useful
> information and testing examples.  Please confirm whether you regard
> this is the case or whether you rather prefer to drop the examples and
> www/* files from packaging.

Well no, definitely do not drop what you've done already! It almost certainly is going to be useful to someone.

Thanks a lot Andreas!

Best regards,


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