[Debian-med-packaging] Upload permissions for Laszlo Kajan

Andreas Tille andreas at an3as.eu
Mon Oct 1 06:37:17 UTC 2012

Please consider me offline until 5.10.  Andreas.

On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 10:04:32AM +0200, Laszlo Kajan wrote:
> Dear Andreas, Steffen!
> I've just read the announcement of the FTP Master team [1].
> Could you please allow me to upload as before by uploading a signed file '$login-EPOCH.dak-commands' like the one below (review as desired):
> ---
> Archive: ftp.debian.org
> Action: dm
> Fingerprint: 91B46ECD90312D7C86F9469A9BD2D6409A0C52FA
> Allow: coils disulfinder dssp ffindex hhsuite hmmer2 libai-fann-perl libmath-vector-real-kdtree-perl
>  libmath-vector-real-perl libnhgri-blastall-perl librcsb-core-wrapper librg-blast-parser-perl
>  librg-exception-perl librg-utils-perl librostlab librostlab-blast libsort-key-top-perl libzerg libzerg-perl
>  ncbi-seg norsnet norsp pp-popularity-contest predictnls predictprotein profbval profnet profphd
>  profphd-utils proftmb reprof blimps sift
> ---
> Thank you very much in advance.
> Best regards,
> Laszlo
> [1] http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2012/09/msg00008.html


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