[Debian-med-packaging] Bug#690830: other suggestion?

Emmanuel Promayon Emmanuel.Promayon at imag.fr
Wed Oct 24 10:10:01 UTC 2012

Dear Andreas,

> However, I just noticed that camitk is not yet in testing anyway so the
> release team is not involved at all (we just introduced it to late after
> the freeze date).  So in one hand you can more or less forget my safety
> means to do only a minimum change inside the source code (see the other
> bug report) and even include new code if you have a new upstream version
> ready and you can also apply your change for this bug - in case it does
> not really work or break something else we have a couple of more shots
> at this target inside unstable.
> Sorry if I gave a bit picky advise under my wrong assumption that
> current camitk is a candidate for Wheezy release.  This also means that
> you might feel free to relax the deadline a bit - but fixing bugs as
> quick as possible is always a good thing.

That is in fact a good news: it means I will have a bit more time to to 
things properly upstream first, as described in your points #1 to #5 in 
http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=689951#50 (remove the 
incriminated code from the main tarball and build a specific 
camitk-plugins-non-free tarball and debian package), try the direct 
CMakeLists.txt modification to remove problem due to position 
independant code (see bug #690830), and use the latest upstream code.

I will still try to start to work on it next week.

Kind regards
Emmanuel Promayon
UJF-Grenoble 1, CNRS, TIMC-IMAG UMR 5525 (équipe GMCAO)
Institut de l'Ingénierie de l'Information de Santé
Faculté de Médecine - 38706 La Tronche cedex - France
Tel. +33/0 456 52 00 03 - Fax. +33/0 456 52 00 55 - B7

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