[Debian-med-packaging] [MoM] CamiTK packaging first part

Emmanuel Promayon Emmanuel.Promayon at imag.fr
Sun Feb 17 09:24:40 UTC 2013


On 16/02/13 21:05, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Hi Emmanuel,
> On Sat, Feb 16, 2013 at 11:16:55AM +0100, Emmanuel Promayon wrote:
>>>> Ok. I just modified both entries as UNRELEASED (policy are to be respected!)
>> But forgot to commit! Done now.
> I admit I reverted the idea to leave the unreleased version 3.0.3-1
> because the changelog was closing several bugs.  However, if the bug
> closing is "hidden" in a previous upload they will not be closed by
> a recent upload. (Just to explain my latest change.)

I suppose that makes more sens as well for an external viewer (between 
3.0.2-1 and current, there was nothing else). Thanks for the modification.

>> I suppose then the best would be to upload now so we can
>> test/improve the package quickly.
> Just uploaded.

Great, thank you. I just read the email from Debian BTS (it was 
processed with an ITP Bug #700692 just this morning).
I will keep an eye on the buildd status attentively.

Kind regards,

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