[Debian-med-packaging] Bug#701457: ITP: libtest-fork-perl -- test code which forks

olivier.sallou at codeless.fr olivier.sallou at codeless.fr
Sat Feb 23 11:45:40 UTC 2013

Package: wnpp
Owner: olivier sallou <osallou at debian.org>
Severity: wishlist
X-Debbugs-CC: debian-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org,debian-perl-packaging at lists.alioth.debian.org,debian-med-packaging at lists.alioth.debian.org

* Package name    : libtest-fork-perl
  Version         : 0.02
  Upstream Author :  Michael G Schwern <schwern at pobox.com>
* URL             : http://search.cpan.org/dist/Test-Fork/
* License         : Artistic or GPL-1+
  Programming Lang: Perl
  Description     :  test code which forks

 THIS IS ALPHA CODE! The implementation is unreliable and the interface is subject to change.
 Because each test has a number associated with it, testing code which forks is problematic. Coordinating the test number amongst the parent and child
 processes is complicated. Test::Fork provides a function to smooth over the complications.

 This package is needed for libur-perl

gpg key id: 4096R/326D8438  (keyring.debian.org)
Key fingerprint = 5FB4 6F83 D3B9 5204 6335  D26D 78DC 68DB 326D 8438

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