[Debian-med-packaging] Bug#701801: New Upstream Snapshot and use of CMake Buildsystem

Reinhard Tartler mp.rdtr at gmail.com
Wed Feb 27 11:32:13 UTC 2013

Package: dcmtk
Severity: normal


For a customer project, I had to upgrade dcmtk to a newer upstream
snapshot, and I wanted to share with you my experiences with the
necessary changes that I had to implement in that course.

First, I have downloaded a new source tarball from
Then I tried to rebase all quilt patches in debian/patches. However,
many of them did not apply cleanly. So I continued with a closer
analysis what those patches are about.

It turns out that most patches are necessary for fixing the
automake-based build system. AFAIUI, upstream now prefers the use of
the CMake Build system, and in fact, most patches are no longer
necessary when the packaging uses that. Therefore, I have changed the
packaging to dh7 and cmake. This allowed me to simplify debian/rules
drastically. Also, I had to rework the
debian/{dcmtk-www,libdcmtk2,libdcmtk2-dev}.install dh_install
configuration files. I could drop almost all patches. The only patches
that IMO still make sense are "01_fix_perl_script_path.patch",
"02_dcmtk_3.6.0-1.patch" and "prefs.patch".

The only caveat that I did not manage to implement was the correct
construction of the dcmtk-doc package, because I was unable to locate
the relevant calls for invoking doxygen. Therefore, I have removed
dcmtk-doc from debian/control (it is not relevant to the needs of my
customer anyways).

Please find the relevant packaging files attached to this email.

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