[Debian-med-packaging] New version of genometools available

Sascha Steinbiss sascha at steinbiss.name
Sun Apr 20 12:52:40 UTC 2014

On 19.04.2014 14:29, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Hi Sascha,

Hi Andreas,

> last year in November you did some changes to genometools packaging in
> SVN which were not yet uploaded.  Since there is a new upstream version
> out I wonder whether you intend to finalise this changes with the new
> version.  Please send an update to this mailing list to let us know about
> the packaging status.

thanks for the reminder. I had indeed started on a new version of the
package as soon as I released the new upstream version.

The problem was that I had to make major adjustments to the symbols
exported by the library as the original symbols file (created by you, I
think) cntained many symbols which were not supposed to be public, and
have since been renamed or removed in the transition from 1.5.1 to
1.5.2. See https://lists.debian.org/debian-mentors/2014/03/msg00057.html
for a discussion of this on the mentors list. It took me quite some time
to find a way to automatically create a linker script which only exposes
official API symbols, and to find and fix every undocumented use of
non-public symbols in the GenomeTools bindings. See our internal ticket
https://github.com/genometools/genometools/issues/263 for more information.

I plan to release a new upstream version which will incorporate this
linker script into the Makefile and create a new symbols file on the
basis of the fixed ABI, which will lack many symbols present in the old
one. However, with the exception of two of them, none of them had been
available via the public API headers anyway, making it unlikely that an
external user linking against the library would have used them. These
two were simply renamed and I have added wrappers making them available
again under their old names. All of these changes currently are in my
separate git branch in the upstream repo.

Long story short: I will release a new upstream version with fixed
exported symbols, create a new symbols file, and make sure that all of
the functions supposed to be in there are still there (so I won't have
to bump the ABI version).
Being a little busy with preparing my thesis defense I don't think I
will do this tomorrow ;) but I definitely have not forgotten about it!

> Kind regards
>        Andreas.

Thanks and best regards,

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