[Debian-med-packaging] packaging for camitk 3.3.1 ready

Emmanuel Promayon Emmanuel.Promayon at imag.fr
Thu Apr 24 20:41:20 UTC 2014

Dear everyone (and especially Andreas!)

I commited some update on the svn that (seems to) make camitk 3.3.1 
ready for upload. This is a gentle request for the sponsoring.

I tested the packaging on a sid pbuilder chroot and ran the debian/tests 
with adt-run on a sid LXC environment. Everything seems to work.
I also learnt a new trick (as always!) in order to add information in 
patches using "quilt header --dep3 -e"
This avoids the I: quilt-patch-missing-description messages from lintian.
I also discovered lintian powerful spell checking capabilities...

Concerning the VTK java problem, that would be great indeed if one of 
the maintainer could check this (one of them already said on this list 
that it should not be so difficult to fix). I have unfortunately a 
limited amount of time in the next few weeks (which I am sure is the 
main problem of everyone around), but if there is simple/limited list of 
steps where I might be able to help, please let me know.

Best regards,

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