Mr Mubarak Saheed mubarak.saheed2013 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 5 01:06:35 UTC 2014

Dear Sir/Madam,

    We humbly introduce our organization Alkhair Investment and Loan Bank with its Operational and Administrative Headquarters in Bahrain.
(AILB) is an Organization set up to consolidate the business interest of its constituent members by investing and re-investing large funds on very valiable projects such as Golf courses,Resorts,Tourism,Hotels,Hospitality Concerns and recently Renewable Energy projects.However,we could also going into some other areas that is profitable.
The AILB has top chiefs in the  Kuwaiti Emirate  and Oil sheiks within the Gulf and middle east as its Directors.

    We source for very viable projects that needs funding in our areas of interest as listed above. We offer between 5.5% and 6 % as interests with a good moratorium policy.
If you are convinced on the viability of your project  Please  contact us for further deliberations.Do have a good day

Mr Mubarak Saheed
Operations Manager(Middle east )

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