[Debian-med-packaging] Bug#745085: will check

Olivier Sallou olivier.sallou at irisa.fr
Thu May 15 10:28:16 UTC 2014

I gonna have a look and install Java 8.

One failure sounds strange however:

[junit] Testcase: basicLocationTests took 0 sec [junit] Caused an ERROR
[junit] Could not initialize class
org.biojava3.core.sequence.location.SimpleLocation [junit]
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class
org.biojava3.core.sequence.location.SimpleLocation [junit] at

A no classdef found error while class is here.....

And when I look at the code, this is nothing really specific....

Maybe I should try to package 3.0.8 to see if bug is still present, but
it will certainly need to be forwarded to upstream team.


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