[Debian-med-packaging] Bug#806828: ITP: dawg -- program to simulate the evolution of recombinant DNA sequences

Kevin Murray spam at kdmurray.id.au
Tue Dec 1 23:55:51 UTC 2015

Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Kevin Murray <spam at kdmurray.id.au>

* Package name    : dawg
  Version         : 1.2.0
  Upstream Author : Reed A. Cartwright
* URL             : http://scit.us/projects/dawg
* License         : GPL-2
  Programming Lang: C++
  Description     : program to simulate the evolution of recombinant DNA sequences

DNA Assembly with Gaps (Dawg) is an application designed to simulate the
evolution of recombinant DNA sequences in continuous time based on the robust
general time reversible model with gamma and invariant rate heterogeneity and
a novel length-dependent model of gap formation. The application accepts
phylogenies in Newick format and can return the sequence of any node,
allowing for the exact evolutionary history to be recorded at the discretion
of users. Dawg records the gap history of every lineage to produce the true
alignment in the output. Many options are available to allow users to
customize their simulations and results.

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