[Debian-med-packaging] Did the libkmc-dev package get uploaded?

Andreas Tille andreas at an3as.eu
Wed Dec 23 07:14:18 UTC 2015

Hi Sascha,

On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 07:41:36AM +0100, Sascha Steinbiss wrote:
> I have just finished the manpages and also cleaned up some other things, and the package looks good now :)

> Before I push the final set of changes, a quick question: One of the things I also did was remove a new PDF and binaries without source from upstream, but I only noticed these after import-orig upstream and pushing to git, so we already have an upstream tag for 2.3-dfsg in our repo pointing to an upstream state that still includes these files. I am not too keen on calling the clean version -dfsg2 though, since the former one wasn't uploaded to the archive yet.
> Would it be OK with you if I just moved the 2.3-dfsg upstream tag in the git repo to point at the new, clean upstream state, even if that means force-pushing the tag once? Otherwise, do you have any other suggestions?

It also happens to me from time to time that I need to reimport a
changed tarball.  My procedure is as follows:

   1. Remove the upstream/* tag
      If pushed remotely also remove it from remote
   2. gbp import-orig --pristine-tar <newtarball>

That usually works nicely (as long as there is no upload with the
former tarball for sure).

Hope this helps



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