[Debian-med-packaging] libqes ready for review/upload

Kevin Murray kevin at kdmurray.id.au
Sun Nov 15 12:21:29 UTC 2015

Hi all,

As part of repackaging axe-demulitplexer, I've created a separate libqes
package (as the projects are separate). This package is ready for review and
upload. Once this hits unstable, I'll ask for review & upload of the new
axe-demulitplexer package, which will fix some FTBFS and RC bugs.


Kevin Murray

GPG pubkey: http://www.kdmurray.id.au/static/A4B4EE6A.asc
FPR: 656C 0632 1EAB 2C3F 3837  9767 17C2 8EB1 A4B4 EE6A

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