[Debian-med-packaging] Asking a review of the htsjdk package

Vincent Danjean vdanjean.ml at free.fr
Thu Nov 26 08:35:51 UTC 2015

Le 26/11/2015 09:13, Andreas Tille a écrit :
> Hi Vincent,
> any news about this package?

No. It is still in the new queue :
* htsjdk 	1.138+dfsg.1-2 (that should be refused)
* libhtsjdk-java 	1.138+dfsg.1-3 (that I'm waiting for acceptation)

I initially pinged the ftp team on irc to reject 1.138+dfsg.1-1 and
1.138+dfsg.1-2. They did it for 1.138+dfsg.1-1 but forgot
1.138+dfsg.1-2. And, for two month, they do not looked at
libhtsjdk-java 1.138+dfsg.1-3.

  On my side, I installed libhtsjdk-java 1.138+dfsg.1-3 and
libpicard-java 1.138+dfsg.1-1 (available in my private repo)
for people that need it. They did not notice me of any problem.

Both picard-tools and libhtsjdk-java are pushed in debian-med git
to my knowledge.


> Kind regards
>      Andreas.
> On Mon, Sep 07, 2015 at 09:57:56AM +0200, Andreas Tille wrote:
>> Hi Vincent,
>> On Mon, Sep 07, 2015 at 12:56:42AM +0200, Vincent Danjean wrote:
>>>   I'm in the process to package the new picard-tools upstream.
>>> It is done within the Debian Med packaging team but it is a
>>> java program.
>>>   The new upstream version modifies a lot its layout. In particular,
>>> a big chunk of code has been put in a external library: htsjdk
>>>   So, I created a new package (source package 'htsjdk') that is
>>> currently in the NEW queue. That said, I would be very pleased if
>>> someone from the java team can give a look at the package. I'm not
>>> very familiar with java packaging. Any comments are welcome.
>>>   Sources can be obtained with
>>> git clone git://anonscm.debian.org/debian-med/htsjdk.git
>> Thanks for working on this.
>> Some minor remarks:
>>   1. You can most probably remove Shaun Jackman from Uploaders.
>>      As far as I understood Shaun he does not even find time for
>>      those packages where he is upstream.
>>   2. I *personally* would use libhtsjdk-java also as source
>>      package name.  Since Emmanuel did not mentioned this it is
>>      possibly no declared pkg-java policy so feel free to ignore
>>      this hint.
>>   3. Fixed a minor typo in README.Debian (please pull)
>>   4. Since I have not noticed any mails on the commit list I
>>      changed the config on git.debian.org (see if it works now
>>      after my change).
>> The package is fine for Upload from my point of view.
>> Kind regards
>>        Andreas.
>> -- 
>> http://fam-tille.de
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