[Debian-med-packaging] Adding libkmc-dev to the kmc package
Sascha Steinbiss
sascha at steinbiss.name
Mon Oct 5 14:32:21 UTC 2015
Hi Kevin,
>>> Also, am I OK to merge the daube/libkmcdev branch into master? I kept it in
>>> a separate branch initially so I didn't pollute master until I'd made
>>> contact.
>> I think that will be OK. Any objections by others?
>> Do you also plan to work on the shared library?
> OK, I've pushed to master. I have a patch (not pushed) which builds the shared
> library, but haven't used it to link to anything. It's probably not worth
> uploading quite yet, I'll at least distribute the shared object as a package
> for others to link to.
Nice, many thanks :)
Just let us know when you are there progress and I will take a look.
However, as there will be new binary packages I'm not sure whether I as
a DM can upload these... you might want to ping one of the DDs then.
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