[Debian-med-packaging] RFS: datatables.js -- jQuery plug-in that makes nice tables from different data sources

Sascha Steinbiss satta at tetrinetsucht.de
Thu Oct 15 09:16:59 UTC 2015

Hi Andreas,

thanks for considerin my package.

> in principle I would like to sponsor.  The only thing I do not like is
> the fact that two packaging repositories are hanging around in
> git.debian.org.  This might be confusing for potentially interested
> persons.  

I absolutely agree and surely would like to sort this out.

Please either do
>   1. merge your repository into collab-maint/jquery-datatables.git

Well, the JS policy [1] stating that the repository should reflect the
source package name, which according to the policy should have a
different name than the one Matthias chose several years ago for his
one. But they also state it's not a hard requirement so I guess this is
an option.
However, I would need to be approved for collab-maint access first.
Could you probably help?

>   2. if you have no access to collab-maint yet feel free to move
>      your repository into Debian Med Git *and* ask Matthias for
>      either removing his repository or cleaning it up from files
>      and just drop a README.status file pointing to the actively
>      maintained one

Sure, I wanted to get in touch with him anyway.

>   3. ask Matthias for either removing his repository or cleaning it
>      up from files and just drop a README.status file pointing to
>      the actively maintained one and stay with your private
>      repository

The private repo was just for sponsoring/review to not leave a stray
package in the Debian Med area in case I get advised to move it to the
Javascript team etc. It definitely was not intended to stay ;)

> I'd prefer 1. and 2. (in this order) way much over 3.

Agreed. If you can help me sort out getting collab-maint access I would
be happy to coordinate the next steps with Matthias to update the
repository he started. If not, I will follow option 2.

Thanks for your help

[1] https://wiki.debian.org/Javascript/Policy

> On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 10:21:48AM +0100, Sascha Steinbiss wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> as a result of bug #798900 [1] (also partially discussed here) I have
>> prepared a proper source-built package for DataTables [2], to be used as
>> a dependency for packages that for now just use embedded copies of
>> jquery.dataTables.js or jquery.dataTables.min.js.
>> I guess this supersedes the prospective package in collab-maint [3]
>> which did not use the upstream source but rather their release
>> repository which just provides build artifacts. Also, the previous
>> package is outdated and was apparently never uploaded. See the original
>> ITP [4]. Is it OK to close the ITP bug with my new package?
>> If you are happy with the package, could anyone sponsor?
>> Thanks
>> Sascha
>> [1] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=798900
>> [2] https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/users/sascha-guest/datatables.js.git/
>> [3] https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/collab-maint/jquery-datatables.git/
>> [4] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=719601
>> -- 
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