[Debian-med-packaging] Bug#797755: insighttoolkit: ABI transition needed for libstdc++ v5

Steve M. Robbins steve at sumost.ca
Wed Sep 2 12:05:33 UTC 2015

On September 2, 2015 10:55:01 AM you wrote:
> Source: insighttoolkit
> Version: 3.20.1+git20120521-6
> Severity: serious
> Justification: breaks ABI without a package rename
> Control: block -1 by 797738
> Tags: sid stretch
> User: debian-gcc at lists.debian.org
> Usertags: libstdc++-cxx11
> Background[1]: libstdc++6 introduces a new ABI to conform to the
> C++11 standard, but keeps the old ABI to not break existing binaries.
> Packages which are built with g++-5 from experimental (not the one
> from testing/unstable) are using the new ABI.  Libraries built from
> this source package export some of the new __cxx11 or B5cxx11 symbols,
> dropping other symbols.  If these symbols are part of the API of
> the library, then this rebuild with g++-5 will trigger a transition
> for the library.
> In the case of insighttoolkit, std::string appears in installed headers,
> so it seems very likely that a transition is needed.

Do note that this packge is requested for removal (#795019) so there will be
no work done to transition it.

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