[Debian-med-packaging] Bug#819016: jellyfish: Rename python bindings module name

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Tue Aug 30 12:50:47 UTC 2016

Hi Diego,

at first thanks a lot for all your patches and specifically the patience
you had since I was simply waiting for the next upstream version to take
action on this issue.  Since upstream has now released 2.2.6 I was
updating the package, applied the patches and uploaded (but it will need
to pass new queue due to the package name change).

On Sat, Jul 09, 2016 at 06:53:00PM +0200, Diego M. Rodriguez wrote:
> There is still the issue of running the Python tests to be solved (ie.
> they are currently not run in the unpatched version, and the patches
> above still don't change the situation). I have been trying to find a
> better solution than the one proposed on message #25, still with no
> luck. I'm wondering if you could provide input on whether the approach
> on #25 is acceptable, or some hints or ideas on how to better solve the
> test running issue?

Well, the test was passing in the new upstream version.  May be the
issue to run in the right sequence was solved?  At least I have not
noticed any problem.
> I'm also wondering if it would be a good time to try to contact upstream
> again in the hopes of eventually fixing the conflict upstream, maybe
> via github? I'd be willing to do so, provided you find it acceptable!

As I said I think its an acceptable solution.  I have reported the issue

Kind regards

[1] https://github.com/gmarcais/Jellyfish/issues/69


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