[Debian-med-packaging] Bug#836230: Bug#836230: genometools: FTBFS in testing (a2x: ERROR: "xsltproc" returned non-zero exit status 6)

Santiago Vila sanvila at unex.es
Wed Aug 31 22:44:59 UTC 2016

severity 836230 normal
retitle 836230 FTBFS in a low memory machine with poor error message

On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 10:10:40PM +0100, Sascha Steinbiss wrote:

> > I tried to build this package in stretch with "dpkg-buildpackage -A"
> > (which is what the "Arch: all" autobuilder would do to build it)
> > but it failed:
> […]
> > a2x: ERROR: "xsltproc"  --stringparam callout.graphics 0 --stringparam navig.graphics 0 --stringparam admon.textlabel 1 --stringparam admon.graphics 0  "/etc/asciidoc/docbook-xsl/manpage.xsl" "/<<BUILDDIR>>/genometools-1.5.9+ds/doc/manpages/gt.xml" returned non-zero exit
> Unfortunately, I can not reproduce this. For me the package builds with no problem (-A and -B with gbp-buildpackage and cowbuilder in a freshly updated stretch chroot). Build logs can be found at http://dropbox.tetrinetsucht.de/debian/ (too large for paste.debian.net).
> > This used to work in the past, so I would look for build-dependencies
> > which may have changed their behaviour recently.
> Both docbook-xsl and asciidoc, which may be the relevant build-deps here, didn’t have any recent uploads.
> I am wondering if anyone may have any hints?

Sorry, I thought this was easily reproducible because it happened in
two different machines.

But now I see that the two machines have 768 MB of RAM.

I'm now building on machines with more memory, and so far it does not
seem to fail when I have 3GB of RAM.

To reproduce, please try building on a machine with only 768 MB of RAM.

If that's the reason for the build failure, then the problem is that
the build does not say "out of memory" or anything like that. Instead
it says "exit status 6" which does not help very much to know
what exactly went wrong.


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