[Debian-med-packaging] Bug#844034: Any intend to fix this soon

Afif Elghraoui afif at debian.org
Sun Dec 25 05:47:56 UTC 2016

Hi, Andreas,

على السبت 24 كانون الأول 2016 ‫11:34، كتب Andreas Tille:
> On Sat, Dec 24, 2016 at 07:24:22AM -0800, Afif Elghraoui wrote:
>> I'm really sad to see the duplication of effort when I was so
>> particular to make sure my work was pushed :(. Is there a way we can
>> avoid this in the future?
> Its no real problem.  I think it will not happen to frequently since the
> situation to save package for upcoming releases is only every second
> year - perhaps posting the fact you are working in a separate branch
> would help in such cases.

Fair enough. I thought it might have been sufficient to post updates to
the upstream tracker since the bug was marked as forwarded.

>  Feel free to replace everything I did by your
> probably more advanced changes since you know the internals way better.
> I also do not consider my time terribly wasted since I now have some
> insight into these packages.


As a quick update (also posted to the upstream tracker), some changes in
blasr 5's handling of SAM/BAM files is causing the main problems now.
Fixing it in pbhoney would require some more intrusive changes, which I
could probably handle, but I don't think it would be a good idea to
proceed without upstream's cooperation on this. It's possible that
pbsuite will not be released with Stretch because of this.

Thanks and regards

Afif Elghraoui | عفيف الغراوي

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