[Debian-med-packaging] axe-demux upload

Andreas Tille andreas at an3as.eu
Sat Feb 6 13:07:54 UTC 2016

Hi Kevin,

On Sat, Feb 06, 2016 at 11:35:00AM +0100, Kevin Murray wrote:
> Sorry to spam the list (and ftp servers), but I screwed up the tests. I've
> prepared a new release, and used a local debci setup to test that it works (on
> my system). Could someone please re-upload?

Uploaded and tagged (following your logical argument that the uploader should
tag what exactly was uploaded.  I'm sure I will forget next time so please
always check what I'm doing ... as long as not somebody sits down and writes
down the exact workflow of the sponsoring process).

Thanks for your work on this



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