[Debian-med-packaging] Htsjdk changed to gradle - please help (Was: Trying to update htsjdk but some tests are failing)

Vincent Danjean vdanjean.ml at free.fr
Thu Jul 7 10:03:37 UTC 2016

Le 06/07/2016 à 23:11, Vincent Danjean a écrit :
> Le 06/07/2016 à 01:53, Vincent Danjean a écrit :
>>   I successfully compiled htsjdk on my system with the following
>> limitation: ngs-java needs a pom file (none installed for now).
>> I created one manually but it must be included correctly in the
>> ngs-java package.
>>   Can someone with more java/pom experience do it?
> Thanks to Emmanuel Bourg, I just uploaded a -2 version with a pom file
> for the ngs-sdk package.

And I just uploaded the 2.5.0 (with gradle) upstream version of
htsjdk and picard-tools.
For the latter, the testsuite is disabled as not all tests have been
converted to the gradle build system upstream (WIP)


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