[Debian-med-packaging] backporting libssw - autopkgtest fails on jessie

Afif Elghraoui afif at debian.org
Tue Jul 19 09:27:01 UTC 2016


على الثلاثاء 19 تـمـوز 2016 ‫02:17، كتب Sascha Steinbiss:
>> Oh, it needs to remain default-jdk for the backport.
>> default-jdk-headless doesn't exist on Jessie for some reason.
> OK. I got that but wanted to keep the differemce between backport and
> sid version as small as possible.

Ah, I already had changed it back in the master branch. However, I think
it's worth diverging here between the two branches because default-jdk
has many more dependencies than default-jdk-headless and so might
unnecessarily affect BD-installability.

> [...]
>>> I'll upload the fix when I find some time here. Should I upload the
>>> backport as well?
>> I can take care of the backport. That can remain based on the current
>> version in Unstable/Stretch since the problem won't exist on Jessie.
> OK. The autopkgtests will be OK on Jessie then once I have adjusted the
> reference output.

Do you want to do that for the backport? I was going to go ahead and
build/upload it since debci doesn't run for backports anyway.

Thanks and regards

Afif Elghraoui | عفيف الغراوي

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