[Debian-med-packaging] SSBSS 2016 Call for Oral Presentations/Posters: 8-14 July 2016, Volterra (Pisa) Tuscany, Italy - 3rd Int. Synthetic & Systems Biology Summer School - Application DEADLINE: March 31, 2016

International Synthetic & Systems Biology Summer School cfp.ssbss at dmi.unict.it
Sat Mar 5 21:07:49 UTC 2016

* Our sincere apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement *

3rd International Synthetic and Systems Biology Summer School - SSBSS 2016,
8-14 July 2016, Volterra (Pisa) - Tuscany, Italy

ssbss.school at gmail.com

The Synthetic and Systems Biology Summer School (SSBSS) is a  
full-immersion five-day residential summer school at the Volterra  
Learning Center (Pisa - Tuscany, Italy) on cutting-edge advances in  
systems and synthetic biology with lectures delivered by  
world-renowned experts. The school provides a stimulating environment  
for students (from Master students to PhD students), Post-Docs, early  
career researches, academics and industry leaders. Participants will  
also have the chance to present their results (with Oral Talks and  
Posters), and to interact with their peers, in a friendly and  
constructive environment.

Application: March 31, 2016
Notification Acceptance: April 10, 2016
Oral Presentation/Poster Submission: March 31, 2016
Notification of Decision for Oral/Poster Presentation: April 10, 2016


* Yaakov (Kobi) Benenson, Synthetic Biology Group at Department of  
Biosystems Science and Engineering, ETH Zurich, Basel, Switzerland
Lecture 1: The practice of mammalian synthetic biology
Lecture 2: Mammalian cell classifiers

* Leonidas Bleris, Bioengineering Department, The University of Texas  
at Dallas, USA
Lecture 1: Genome Editing Technologies and Therapeutic Modalities
Lecture 2: Benchmark Circuits and Topological Properties

* Domitilla Del Vecchio, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT, USA
Lecture 1: Modularity in genetic circuits: Dream versus Reality
Lecture 2: Engineering Modularity in Genetic Circuits

* Diego Di Bernardo, Dept of Chemical Materials and Industrial  
Production Engineering University of Naples "Federico II", Naples, Italy
Lecture 1: "Engineering and Control of Biological Circuits in Yeast"
Lecture 2: "Engineering and Control of Biological Circuits in Mammalian Cells

* Barbara Di Ventura, Synthetic Biology Group, BioQuant/DKFZ,  
Heidelberg, Germany
Lecture 1: Using blue light to control protein localization in living  
mammalian cells
Lecture 2: Using split inteins for protein engineering in living cells

* Jonathan S. Gootenberg, Feng Zhang and Aviv Regev Groups, Department  
of Systems Biology, Harvard Medical School, Harvard University, USA
Lecture 1: "Discovering and Characterizing CRISPR effectors"
Lecture 2: "Probing Biology with CRISPR Screening"

* Markus Herrgard, Technical University of Denmark - Biosustain, Novo  
Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability, Denmark
Lecture 1: "Developing an Integrated Cell Factory Design Tool"
Lecture 2: "Using Automated Laboratory Evolution to Optimize Cell Factories?

* Shalev Itzkovitz, Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Weizmann  
Institute of Science, Israel
Lecture 1: "Single Molecule Approaches for Studying Gene Expression in  
Intact Mammalian Tissues"
Lecture 2: "Systems Biology of Stem Cell-Maintained Tissues?

* Francesco Ricci, Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Chimiche,  
University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy
Lecture 1: "DNA Nanotechnology Tools and Reactions for Synthetic Biology"
Lecture 2: "Nature-inspired DNA-based Nanodevices

Next Generation Sequencing Workshop ? Afternoon July 12th, 2016

* ?How fast can we align sequences??
Mario Guarracino, CNR, Italy

* ?Advanced Bioinformatics tools for NGS? ? TBC
Luca Zammataro, Yale University, USA

* ?Detection and analysis of contaminating sequences in NGS sequencing data?
Ilaria Granata, CNR, Italy

* ?Detection and interpretation of circular RNAs in RNA-seq experiments?
Parijat Tripathi, CNR, Italy

See you in Tuscany in July!
      The Organizing Committee.

ssbss.school at gmail.com

Please help us distributing in your circles (emails, blogs, and social  
networks) the call for participation and call for oral talks/posters   
for SSBSS 2016.  Together we will make SSBSS a great event!

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