[Debian-med-packaging] Bug#777791: [PATCH] ball: ftbfs with GCC-5

Danny Edel debian at danny-edel.de
Tue May 10 20:55:11 UTC 2016

On 05/10/2016 07:13 PM, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Thanks a lot.  Your work is really appreciated.  Please also be bold and
> commit to master.  I have no time to look the next 2-3 days - but I'd
> like to see the changes in master since I see no point in deriving for
> this package what we are doing anywhere else.

Hi Andreas,

I have backported a fix for the Python issue and ball now builds in a
fresh sid cowbuilder.  I also un-deleted the 0001-missingSigned.patch,
since I realized it is needed on ARM, where "char" is "unsigned char" by
default, causing FTBFS when assigning -1 to a "const char".  This may be
a candidate for a pullrequest to the newly moved upstream github repository.

All patches are uploaded to "master", the work-in-progress branch is
deleted.  To me the resulting package (now without any weird hacks and
old packages from snapshot.d.o) seems usable:  I started BALLView and
loaded random projects from /usr/share/BALL-1.4/data/projects, and I get
molecule renderings on my screen -- but I have no idea if these are the
right ones : )


- Danny

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