[Debian-med-packaging] [devteam-bioc] BioConductor interactiveDisplayBase can't connect to bioconductor.org

Andreas Tille andreas at an3as.eu
Sun May 15 11:11:33 UTC 2016

Hi Dan,

thanks for your quick response.

On Fri, May 13, 2016 at 10:07:27AM -0700, Dan Tenenbaum wrote:
> > I wonder whether there is any chance to make this error non-critical
> > and add a warning to enable passing this step without breaking the
> > build on a disconnected box.
> I have moved the call to source the remote file into the helper function, so it is not executed when the package is loaded. I verified the package can be installed when offline. This is fixed in release (1.10.2) and devel (1.11.2), available via svn now or biocLite() tomorrow.

Hmmm,  I can not find 1.10.2 even today. There was a new version 1.10.1
(compared to the version I was testing which was 1.10.0) but this has
the same problem.  Is there anything wrong with your latest upload?

Kind regards



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