[Debian-med-packaging] Problems to find classes that should be in itext1.jar

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Sun May 22 19:43:01 UTC 2016

On Sat, May 21, 2016 at 10:28:50PM +0200, Emmanuel Bourg wrote:
> Le 21/05/2016 à 13:34, Andreas Tille a écrit :
> > I'm
> > stumbling upon classes which should be found in itext1.jar but the build
> > process can't finde these.
> What are the missing classes?

CLASSPATH=/usr/share/java/commons-httpclient.jar:/usr/share/java/commons-lang.jar:/usr/share/java/itext1-1.4.jar jh_build --javacopts='-target 1.7' --javacopts='-source 1.7' mesquite.jar Source LibrarySource
find Source LibrarySource -name *.java -and -type f -print0 | xargs -s 512000 -0 /usr/lib/jvm/default-java/bin/javac -g -cp /usr/share/java/commons-httpclient.jar:/usr/share/java/commons-lang.jar:/usr/share/java/itext1-1.4.jar:debian/_jh_build.mesquite -d debian/_jh_build.mesquite -target 1.7 -source 1.7
warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.7
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/Rectangle.java:53: error: package headless.awt does not exist
import headless.awt.Color;
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfWriter.java:53: error: package headless.awt does not exist
import headless.awt.Color;
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfContentByte.java:52: error: package headless.awt does not exist
import headless.awt.Color;
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfContentByte.java:54: error: package headless.awt.geom does not exist
import headless.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfContentByte.java:55: error: package headless.awt.print does not exist
import headless.awt.print.PrinterJob;
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/Image.java:60: error: package headless.awt.color does not exist
import headless.awt.color.ICC_Profile;
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/Rectangle.java:118: error: cannot find symbol
    protected Color color = null;
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class Rectangle
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/Rectangle.java:121: error: cannot find symbol
    protected Color borderColorLeft = null;
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class Rectangle
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/Rectangle.java:124: error: cannot find symbol
    protected Color borderColorRight = null;
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class Rectangle
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/Rectangle.java:127: error: cannot find symbol
    protected Color borderColorTop = null;
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class Rectangle
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/Rectangle.java:130: error: cannot find symbol
    protected Color borderColorBottom = null;
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class Rectangle
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/Rectangle.java:149: error: cannot find symbol
    protected Color background = null;
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class Rectangle
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/Rectangle.java:412: error: cannot find symbol
    public void setBorderColor(Color value) {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class Rectangle
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/Rectangle.java:420: error: cannot find symbol
public void setBorderColorRight(Color value)
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class Rectangle
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/Rectangle.java:429: error: cannot find symbol
   public void setBorderColorLeft(Color value)
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class Rectangle
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/Rectangle.java:438: error: cannot find symbol
   public void setBorderColorTop(Color value)
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class Rectangle
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/Rectangle.java:447: error: cannot find symbol
   public void setBorderColorBottom(Color value)
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class Rectangle
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/Rectangle.java:459: error: cannot find symbol
    public void setBackgroundColor(Color value) {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class Rectangle
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/Rectangle.java:633: error: cannot find symbol
    public Color borderColor() {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class Rectangle
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/Rectangle.java:643: error: cannot find symbol
    public Color backgroundColor() {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class Rectangle
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/Rectangle.java:706: error: cannot find symbol
public Color getBorderColorLeft()
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class Rectangle
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/Rectangle.java:715: error: cannot find symbol
   public Color getBorderColorRight()
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class Rectangle
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/Rectangle.java:724: error: cannot find symbol
   public Color getBorderColorTop()
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class Rectangle
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/Rectangle.java:733: error: cannot find symbol
   public Color getBorderColorBottom()
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class Rectangle
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfDocument.java:53: error: package headless.awt does not exist
import headless.awt.Color;
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfICCBased.java:48: error: package headless.awt.color does not exist
import headless.awt.color.ICC_Profile;
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/Table.java:56: error: package headless.awt does not exist
import headless.awt.Color;
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/Table.java:57: error: package headless.awt does not exist
import headless.awt.Dimension;
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/Table.java:58: error: package headless.awt does not exist
import headless.awt.Point;
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfOutline.java:58: error: package headless.awt does not exist
import headless.awt.Color;
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfSpotColor.java:53: error: package headless.awt does not exist
import headless.awt.Color;
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfWriter.java:1526: error: cannot find symbol
    ColorDetails addSimplePatternColorspace(Color color) {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfWriter
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfShading.java:49: error: package headless.awt does not exist
import headless.awt.Color;
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfPatternPainter.java:50: error: package headless.awt does not exist
import headless.awt.Color;
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfAnnotation.java:55: error: package headless.awt does not exist
import headless.awt.Color;
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfContentByte.java:1680: error: cannot find symbol
    public PdfPatternPainter createPattern(float width, float height, float xstep, float ystep, Color color) {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfContentByte
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfContentByte.java:1702: error: cannot find symbol
    public PdfPatternPainter createPattern(float width, float height, Color color) {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfContentByte
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfContentByte.java:1905: error: cannot find symbol
    public void setColorStroke(Color color) {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfContentByte
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfContentByte.java:1942: error: cannot find symbol
    public void setColorFill(Color color) {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfContentByte
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfContentByte.java:2023: error: cannot find symbol
    void outputColorNumbers(Color color, float tint) {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfContentByte
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfContentByte.java:2055: error: cannot find symbol
    public void setPatternFill(PdfPatternPainter p, Color color) {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfContentByte
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfContentByte.java:2067: error: cannot find symbol
    public void setPatternFill(PdfPatternPainter p, Color color, float tint) {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfContentByte
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfContentByte.java:2085: error: cannot find symbol
    public void setPatternStroke(PdfPatternPainter p, Color color) {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfContentByte
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfContentByte.java:2097: error: cannot find symbol
    public void setPatternStroke(PdfPatternPainter p, Color color, float tint) {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfContentByte
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfContentByte.java:2514: error: cannot find symbol
    public java.awt.Graphics2D createPrinterGraphicsShapes(float width, float height, PrinterJob printerJob) {
  symbol:   class PrinterJob
  location: class PdfContentByte
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfContentByte.java:2535: error: cannot find symbol
    public java.awt.Graphics2D createPrinterGraphics(float width, float height, PrinterJob printerJob) {
  symbol:   class PrinterJob
  location: class PdfContentByte
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfContentByte.java:2560: error: cannot find symbol
    public java.awt.Graphics2D createPrinterGraphics(float width, float height, boolean convertImagesToJPEG, float quality, PrinterJob printerJob) {
  symbol:   class PrinterJob
  location: class PdfContentByte
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfContentByte.java:2585: error: cannot find symbol
    public java.awt.Graphics2D createPrinterGraphicsShapes(float width, float height, boolean convertImagesToJPEG, float quality, PrinterJob printerJob) {
  symbol:   class PrinterJob
  location: class PdfContentByte
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/FontMapper.java:50: error: package headless.awt does not exist
import headless.awt.Font;
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfContentByte.java:2608: error: cannot find symbol
    public java.awt.Graphics2D createPrinterGraphics(float width, float height, FontMapper fontMapper, PrinterJob printerJob) {
  symbol:   class PrinterJob
  location: class PdfContentByte
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfContentByte.java:2635: error: cannot find symbol
    public java.awt.Graphics2D createPrinterGraphics(float width, float height, FontMapper fontMapper, boolean convertImagesToJPEG, float quality, PrinterJob printerJob) {
  symbol:   class PrinterJob
  location: class PdfContentByte
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfContentByte.java:2707: error: cannot find symbol
    public void transform(AffineTransform af) {
  symbol:   class AffineTransform
  location: class PdfContentByte
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/Image.java:239: error: cannot find symbol
	protected ICC_Profile profile = null;
  symbol:   class ICC_Profile
  location: class Image
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/Image.java:1620: error: cannot find symbol
	public void tagICC(ICC_Profile profile) {
  symbol:   class ICC_Profile
  location: class Image
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/Image.java:1638: error: cannot find symbol
	public ICC_Profile getICCProfile() {
  symbol:   class ICC_Profile
  location: class Image
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfICCBased.java:62: error: cannot find symbol
    PdfICCBased(ICC_Profile profile) {
  symbol:   class ICC_Profile
  location: class PdfICCBased
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/Table.java:172: error: cannot find symbol
    private Point curPosition = new Point(0, 0);
  symbol:   class Point
  location: class Table
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/Cell.java:53: error: package headless.awt does not exist
import headless.awt.Color;
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/Table.java:566: error: cannot find symbol
    public void addCell(Cell aCell, Point aLocation) throws BadElementException {
  symbol:   class Point
  location: class Table
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/Table.java:622: error: cannot find symbol
    public void addCell(Phrase content, Point location) throws BadElementException {
  symbol:   class Point
  location: class Table
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/Table.java:661: error: cannot find symbol
    public void addCell(String content, Point location) throws BadElementException {
  symbol:   class Point
  location: class Table
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/Table.java:698: error: cannot find symbol
    public void insertTable(Table aTable, Point aLocation) {
  symbol:   class Point
  location: class Table
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/Table.java:780: error: cannot find symbol
    public void setDefaultCellBorderColor(Color color) {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class Table
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/Table.java:791: error: cannot find symbol
    public void setDefaultCellBackgroundColor(Color color) {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class Table
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/Table.java:1263: error: cannot find symbol
    public Dimension getDimension() {
  symbol:   class Dimension
  location: class Table
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/Table.java:1523: error: cannot find symbol
    private boolean isValidLocation(Cell aCell, Point aLocation) {
  symbol:   class Point
  location: class Table
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/Table.java:1559: error: cannot find symbol
    private void placeCell(ArrayList someRows, Cell aCell, Point aPosition) {
  symbol:   class Point
  location: class Table
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/Table.java:1663: error: cannot find symbol
    private void setCurrentLocationToNextValidPosition(Point aLocation)    {
  symbol:   class Point
  location: class Table
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfPRow.java:58: error: package headless.awt does not exist
import headless.awt.Color;
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfOutline.java:104: error: cannot find symbol
    private Color color;
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfOutline
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfOutline.java:514: error: cannot find symbol
    public Color getColor() {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfOutline
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfOutline.java:522: error: cannot find symbol
    public void setColor(Color color) {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfOutline
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfSpotColor.java:70: error: cannot find symbol
    public Color altcs;
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfSpotColor
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfSpotColor.java:81: error: cannot find symbol
    public PdfSpotColor(String name, float tint, Color altcs) {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfSpotColor
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfSpotColor.java:99: error: cannot find symbol
    public Color getAlternativeCS() {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfSpotColor
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfShading.java:69: error: cannot find symbol
    private Color cspace;
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfShading
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfShading.java:82: error: cannot find symbol
    protected void setColorSpace(Color color) {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfShading
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfShading.java:112: error: cannot find symbol
    Color getColorSpace() {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfShading
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfShading.java:120: error: cannot find symbol
    public static void checkCompatibleColors(Color c1, Color c2) {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfShading
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfShading.java:120: error: cannot find symbol
    public static void checkCompatibleColors(Color c1, Color c2) {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfShading
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfShading.java:131: error: cannot find symbol
    public static float[] getColorArray(Color color) {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfShading
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfShading.java:152: error: cannot find symbol
    public static PdfShading type1(PdfWriter writer, Color colorSpace, float domain[], float tMatrix[], PdfFunction function) {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfShading
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfShading.java:166: error: cannot find symbol
    public static PdfShading type2(PdfWriter writer, Color colorSpace, float coords[], float domain[], PdfFunction function, boolean extend[]) {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfShading
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfShading.java:184: error: cannot find symbol
    public static PdfShading type3(PdfWriter writer, Color colorSpace, float coords[], float domain[], PdfFunction function, boolean extend[]) {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfShading
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfShading.java:191: error: cannot find symbol
    public static PdfShading simpleAxial(PdfWriter writer, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, Color startColor, Color endColor, boolean extendStart, boolean extendEnd) {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfShading
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfShading.java:191: error: cannot find symbol
    public static PdfShading simpleAxial(PdfWriter writer, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, Color startColor, Color endColor, boolean extendStart, boolean extendEnd) {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfShading
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfShading.java:198: error: cannot find symbol
    public static PdfShading simpleAxial(PdfWriter writer, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, Color startColor, Color endColor) {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfShading
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfShading.java:198: error: cannot find symbol
    public static PdfShading simpleAxial(PdfWriter writer, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, Color startColor, Color endColor) {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfShading
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfShading.java:202: error: cannot find symbol
    public static PdfShading simpleRadial(PdfWriter writer, float x0, float y0, float r0, float x1, float y1, float r1, Color startColor, Color endColor, boolean extendStart, boolean extendEnd) {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfShading
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfShading.java:202: error: cannot find symbol
    public static PdfShading simpleRadial(PdfWriter writer, float x0, float y0, float r0, float x1, float y1, float r1, Color startColor, Color endColor, boolean extendStart, boolean extendEnd) {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfShading
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfShading.java:209: error: cannot find symbol
    public static PdfShading simpleRadial(PdfWriter writer, float x0, float y0, float r0, float x1, float y1, float r1, Color startColor, Color endColor) {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfShading
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfShading.java:209: error: cannot find symbol
    public static PdfShading simpleRadial(PdfWriter writer, float x0, float y0, float r0, float x1, float y1, float r1, Color startColor, Color endColor) {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfShading
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfPatternPainter.java:60: error: cannot find symbol
    protected Color defaultColor;
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfPatternPainter
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfPatternPainter.java:82: error: cannot find symbol
    PdfPatternPainter(PdfWriter wr, Color defaultColor) {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfPatternPainter
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfPatternPainter.java:182: error: cannot find symbol
    public Color getDefaultColor() {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfPatternPainter
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfPatternPainter.java:326: error: cannot find symbol
    public void setColorStroke(Color color) {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfPatternPainter
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfPatternPainter.java:334: error: cannot find symbol
    public void setColorFill(Color color) {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfPatternPainter
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfPatternPainter.java:366: error: cannot find symbol
    public void setPatternFill(PdfPatternPainter p, Color color, float tint) {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfPatternPainter
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfPatternPainter.java:374: error: cannot find symbol
    public void setPatternStroke(PdfPatternPainter p, Color color, float tint) {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfPatternPainter
LibrarySource/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfAnnotation.java:544: error: cannot find symbol
    public void setColor(Color color) {
  symbol:   class Color
  location: class PdfAnnotation
Source/org/apache/hivemind/util/PropertyAdaptor.java:166: warning: non-varargs call of varargs method with inexact argument type for last parameter;
            return _readMethod.invoke(target, null);
  cast to Object for a varargs call
  cast to Object[] for a non-varargs call and to suppress this warning
Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
100 errors
2 warnings
debian/rules:21: recipe for target 'override_dh_auto_build' failed
make[1]: *** [override_dh_auto_build] Error 123
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/andreas/debian-maintain/alioth/debian-med_git/build-area/mesquite-3.04+dfsg'
debian/rules:12: die Regel für Ziel „build“ scheiterte
make: *** [build] Fehler 2
dpkg-buildpackage: Fehler: Fehler-Exitstatus von debian/rules build war 2


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