[Debian-med-packaging] FW4SPL package

Andreas Tille andreas at fam-tille.de
Thu Nov 24 09:13:12 UTC 2016

Hi Flavien,

On Thu, Nov 24, 2016 at 09:30:02AM +0100, Flavien Bridault wrote:
> > 
> > In principle it is correct to leave any.  Autobuilders will grab the
> > code and try to build - if the build fails there will be no package
> > created.  Sometimes you get patches from porters to make it build which
> > could be of some value for you as upstream.  A bad thing would be if
> > the package builds on some architecture but the resulting package just
> > does not work.  So some sensible test suite should be run (as well at
> > runtime - currently the test is disabled which is also not good - as
> > as autopkgtest for the installable package).
> Ok so that's probably a next step, I have to figure out how to run the
> tests, for now I only verified that the vrrender application works
> correctly.

Technically the tests should be run if not prevented by

	echo "test disabled"

So removing this should do the trick - the question is if all tests will
really run.  May be there is some internet access inside the tests which
are not working in a pbuilder environment.

> > Definitely not - simply move everything to /usr/lib.  If for some reason
> > some files need to reside in /usr/share you can use symlinks.
> >  
> Ok thanks for the clarification, some at IRCAD thought it was in
> /usr/share, there was a misunderstanding somewhere. :) Hopefully this
> was quite easy to switch to /usr/lib. That's why I just pushed this morning.

>From just reading the git log and changelog it looks sensible.  As I
commited in the camp case you can fix the parallel build issue also by
switching to debhelper 10 (but that's not mandatory - I'm just trying to
profit from latest debhelper whereever I see no good reason to stick to
the old version).

> > I admit I'm not sure if the bugs can be reopened for a not (yet)
> > existing package.  For simplicity I think its sufficient to add
> > 
> >    Closes: #bugnumber, #bugnumber
> > 
> > in debian/changelog for documentation reasons.  If the upload is
> > closing the bug and the bug was closed before that's OK IMHO.
> >  
> Ok so I mentioned all the fixed bugs in the changelog, but I still have
> one opened about dbus-x11 :
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=836094
> I'm not sure what to do there, should I reopen the bug to discuss about
> the fix on the correct channel ?

Yes.  Once the package is accepted in unstable you can/should reopen
this bug.  I guess some BTS magic will prevent you from opening a bug
for not (yet) existing packages.
> That's pushed !


I think we should finialise camp first (see my other mail) and than
I'll try a build on fw4spl. 

Thanks for your work on this



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