[Debian-med-packaging] Bug#859660: Bug#859660: artemis running issue

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Fri Apr 7 10:43:42 UTC 2017


On Fri, Apr 07, 2017 at 12:17:08PM +0200, Sascha Steinbiss wrote:
> Hi,
> > على الأربعاء  5 نيسـان 2017 ‫12:32، كتب Jerome:
> >> When running artemis package, get this issue :
> >>
> >> $ art
> >> bash: /usr/bin/art: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
> Probably something to do with jarwrapper? I remember running into
> something similar quite some time ago.

I'd assume the same.  I can confirm that I can not reproduce here as
well but the problem sounds like jarwrapper connected.  I do not
remember what package I had in the past with a similar issue but
providing a shell wrapper calling java with some options and the jar
file solved the issue.

It seems that jarwrapper is not really reliable - as far as I know
specifically if users are using a self compiled kernel where this
feature can be switched of.

Hope this helps



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