[Debian-med-packaging] Bug#871697: jellyfish: Please add arm64

Edmund Grimley Evans edmund.grimley.evans at gmail.com
Thu Aug 10 18:22:14 UTC 2017

Source: jellyfish
Version: 2.2.6-1
User: debian-arm at lists.debian.org
Usertags: arm64

Jellyfish seems to be easy to port. Just provide alternatives to the
inline assembler in rectangular_binary_matrix.hpp:

#ifdef __x86_64__
#define AND_XOR(off)                                                    \
    asm("movdqa (%[s],%[i]), %[load]\n\t"                               \
        "pand " #off "(%[p]),%[load]\n\t"                               \
        "pxor %[load],%[acc]\n\t"                                       \
        : [acc]"=&x"(acc)                                               \
        : "[acc]"(acc),  [i]"r"(i), [p]"r"(p), [s]"r"(smear), [load]"x"(load))
#define AND_XOR(off) do {                                               \
        xmm_t a = { smear[i / 8], smear[i / 8 + 1] };                   \
        xmm_t b = { p[(off) / 8], p[(off) / 8 + 1] };                   \
        acc ^= a & b;                                                   \
    } while (0)

#ifdef __x86_64__
    uint64_t res1, res2;
    asm("movd %[acc], %[res1]\n\t"
        "psrldq $8, %[acc]\n\t"
        "movd %[acc], %[res2]\n\t"
        : [res1]"=r"(res1), [res2]"=r"(res2)
        : [acc]"x"(acc));
    return res1 ^ res2;
    return acc[0] ^ acc[1];

Then replace AND_XOR("0x30") with AND_XOR(0x30), AND_XOR("") with
AND_XOR(0), and so on.

You might find the non-assembler version performs just as well on amd64, too,
in which case you could simplify the code.

Tested on arm64. Likely to work on some other architectures.

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