[Debian-med-packaging] Bug#848236: Remaining issue with gbrowse - any help (Was: Urgent call to BioPerl users (Was: Bug#848236: src:gbrowse: ...)

Lincoln Stein lincoln.stein at gmail.com
Mon Jan 16 23:14:34 UTC 2017


I need a little help to reproduce Gregor's failed tests, given that I'm a
complete newbie wrt the Debian packaging system. I have cloned gbrowse
2.56+dfsg-1 from the Debian Med repository, but I don't know what command
line to use to attempt the build. What is the next step? I'm guessing it is
some form of dpkg-buildpackage, but the number of options is pretty


On Mon, Jan 16, 2017 at 3:01 PM, gregor herrmann <gregoa at debian.org> wrote:

> On Mon, 16 Jan 2017 16:45:52 +0100, Andreas Tille wrote:
> > > If you want to use the same list of tests to skip during build, you
> > > can do something like
> > > https://sources.debian.net/src/libipc-sharelite-perl/0.
> 17-4/debian/rules
> > Ahhh, OK.  I wrongly assumed that would be some magic since in the
> > bioperl case it worked without this extra means.
> The magic there worked because it was only needed for autopkgtest and
> not at build time :)
> > > I migt be able to try a build later today.
> >
> > After safely landing in Berlin (from Debian Med sprint in Bukarest) I
> > tried with your hints and the only remaining issue seems to be:
> >
> > t/00.compile.t          (Wstat: 3840 Tests: 90 Failed: 15)
> >   Failed tests:  1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 17-18, 29, 31, 33, 35
> >                 41, 45, 47
> >   Non-zero exit status: 15
> Lucky you :)
> When I try to build the package from git, I get:
> Test Summary Report
> -------------------
> t/00.compile.t          (Wstat: 3840 Tests: 90 Failed: 15)
>   Failed tests:  1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 17-18, 29, 31, 33, 35
>                 41, 45, 47
>   Non-zero exit status: 15
> t/02.rearchitecture.t   (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
>   Non-zero exit status: 255
>   Parse errors: Bad plan.  You planned 90 tests but ran 0.
> t/03.render.t           (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
>   Non-zero exit status: 255
>   Parse errors: Bad plan.  You planned 150 tests but ran 0.
> t/04.remoteserver.t     (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
>   Non-zero exit status: 255
>   Parse errors: Bad plan.  You planned 43 tests but ran 0.
> t/05.deferredrendering.t (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
>   Non-zero exit status: 255
>   Parse errors: Bad plan.  You planned 19 tests but ran 0.
> t/06.featuresearch.t    (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
>   Non-zero exit status: 255
>   Parse errors: Bad plan.  You planned 26 tests but ran 0.
> t/07.karyotype.t        (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
>   Non-zero exit status: 255
>   Parse errors: Bad plan.  You planned 3 tests but ran 0.
> Files=10, Tests=103,  5 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr  0.03 sys +  4.19 cusr
> 0.36 csys =  4.61 CPU)
> Result: FAIL
> Failed 7/10 test programs. 15/103 subtests failed.
> Ah, found it:
> #   Failed test 'cgi-bin/das compiled ok'
> #   at t/00.compile.t line 47.
> # stdout:
> # stderr: Backslash found where operator expected at
> /build/gbrowse-2.56+dfsg/blib/lib/Bio/Graphics/Browser2/DataSource.pm
> line 963, near "$ENV\"
> #       (Missing operator before \?)
> # Backslash found where operator expected at /build/gbrowse-2.56+dfsg/blib/
> lib/Bio/Graphics/Browser2/DataSource.pm line 963, near "$1\"
> #       (Missing operator before \?)
> # Variable "$semantic_label" is not imported at
> /build/gbrowse-2.56+dfsg/blib/lib/Bio/Graphics/Browser2/DataSource.pm
> line 984, <DATA> line 192.
> #       (Did you mean &semantic_label instead?)
> # syntax error at /build/gbrowse-2.56+dfsg/blib/lib/Bio/Graphics/Browser2/DataSource.pm
> line 963, near "$ENV\"
> # syntax error at /build/gbrowse-2.56+dfsg/blib/lib/Bio/Graphics/Browser2/DataSource.pm
> line 963, near "''}"
> This seems to come from debian/patches/fix_perl_deprecation.
> *a bit later*
> Yes, this patch is wrong now and can be dropped, as the original
> issue was fixed in the 2.56 release. (Attached)
> This brings me to:
> Test Summary Report
> -------------------
> t/03.render.t           (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 41 Failed: 0)
>   Non-zero exit status: 255
>   Parse errors: Bad plan.  You planned 150 tests but ran 41.
> t/04.remoteserver.t     (Wstat: 0 Tests: 41 Failed: 4)
>   Failed tests:  11, 23, 35, 39
>   Parse errors: Bad plan.  You planned 43 tests but ran 41.
> t/05.deferredrendering.t (Wstat: 0 Tests: 19 Failed: 2)
>   Failed tests:  5, 14
> So t/00.compile.t just works. But I still have other issues.
> Seems they all fail with something like
> "Can't locate testdata/conf/../../../conf/plugins/Aligner.pm in @INC ..."
> which is quite weird path ... -- But it's fine, so we probably have a
> ". removed from @INC" problem here somewhere.
> I guess that's it:
> lib/Bio/Graphics/Browser2/PluginSet.pm
>     my $class = "Bio\:\:Graphics\:\:Browser2\:\:Plugin\:\:$plugin";
>     for my $search_path (@search_path) {
>       my $plugin_with_path = "$search_path/$plugin.pm";
>       if (eval {require $plugin_with_path}) {
> Ok, changing this to "./$plugin_with_path" gets rid of this error but
> later we still get something similar:
> # prove --blib --verbose t/05.deferredrendering.t
> t/05.deferredrendering.t ..
> 1..19
> ok 1
> ok 2
> ok 3
> RenderPanels error:
> ------------- EXCEPTION -------------
> MSG: The requested glyph class, ``span'' is not available: Attempt to
> reload Bio/Graphics/Glyph/span.pm aborted.
> Compilation failed in require at (eval 181) line 2, <> line 45.
> STACK Bio::Graphics::Glyph::Factory::make_glyph
> /usr/share/perl5/Bio/Graphics/Glyph/Factory.pm:342
> STACK Bio::Graphics::Glyph::add_feature /usr/share/perl5/Bio/Graphics/
> Glyph.pm:424
> STACK Bio::Graphics::Browser2::RenderPanels::add_features_to_track
> /build/gbrowse-2.56+dfsg/t/../lib/Bio/Graphics/Browser2/
> RenderPanels.pm:1869
> STACK (eval) /build/gbrowse-2.56+dfsg/t/../lib/Bio/Graphics/Browser2/
> RenderPanels.pm:1597
> STACK Bio::Graphics::Browser2::RenderPanels::run_local_requests
> /build/gbrowse-2.56+dfsg/t/../lib/Bio/Graphics/Browser2/
> RenderPanels.pm:1551
> STACK Bio::Graphics::Browser2::RenderPanels::request_panels
> /build/gbrowse-2.56+dfsg/t/../lib/Bio/Graphics/Browser2/
> RenderPanels.pm:185
> STACK Bio::Graphics::Browser2::Render::render_deferred
> /build/gbrowse-2.56+dfsg/t/../lib/Bio/Graphics/Browser2/Render.pm:3608
> STACK toplevel t/05.deferredrendering.t:102
> -------------------------------------
> ok 4
> not ok 5
> # Test 5 got: 'ERROR' (t/05.deferredrendering.t at line 124)
> #   Expected: 'AVAILABLE'
> ok 6
> ok 7
> ok 8
> ok 9
> ok 10
> ok 11
> ok 12
> ok 13
> not ok 14
> (t/05.deferredrendering.t at line 130)
> ok 15
> ok 16
> ok 17
> ok 18
> ok 19
> Failed 2/19 subtests
> Test Summary Report
> -------------------
> t/05.deferredrendering.t (Wstat: 0 Tests: 19 Failed: 2)
>   Failed tests:  5, 14
> Files=1, Tests=19, 10 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr  0.00 sys +  0.95 cusr
> 0.16 csys =  1.15 CPU)
> Result: FAIL
> And I'm not sure where this comes from, category "cwd removed from
> @INC). I think this is a question for Lincoln (added back in cc).
> > I wonder how these numbers relate to the tests inside the test file and
> > what might be the recommended procedure:  Patching single tests (those
> > 1, 3, 5, ...) or the wimpy way to exclude the whole file.  May be there
> > is some hint how these tests might pass but I personally have no idea.
> Depends if you see them during the build or in autopkgtests. During
> build the test should succeed (which it does now); during autopkgtest
> they might fail because they need something from the source tree
> which is not present in the temporary test directory (and from a
> quick look at t/00.compile.t this assumption is quite realistic). In
> that case you can either try to patch t/00.compile.t (to tell it
> about the right paths) or simply ignore the test as (at least that's
> my impression), since the syntax happens in autopkgtest-pkg-perl's
> syntax.t anyway.
> Let's see.
> Ok, one change in d/rules to build the package (attached). And then I
> can't test the autopkgtest run because it somehow explodes. *sigh*
> Ok, -d helps:
> pmerror:/tmp/apt-dpkg-install-i5hiWj/102-gbrowse.deb:42.1125:trying to
> overwrite '/usr/share/man/man3/Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store::LoadHelper.3pm.gz',
> which is also in package libbio-perl-perl 1.7.1-2
> Cheers,
> gregor
> --
>  .''`.  https://info.comodo.priv.at/ - Debian Developer
> https://www.debian.org
>  : :' : OpenPGP fingerprint D1E1 316E 93A7 60A8 104D  85FA BB3A 6801 8649
> AA06
>  `. `'  Member of VIBE!AT & SPI, fellow of the Free Software Foundation
> Europe
>    `-   NP: Michael Penn: Trampoline
> aXNzdWVyLWZwckBub3RhdGlvbnMub3BlbnBncC5maWZ0aGhvcnNlbWFuLm5ldEQx
> qgbxjw//Q7gMuNwEYhst7aYXxZ6QcHqQf03cum5raXbXxSaDRrzllzV1g6PDC0k3
> Q5wlOrnMa3X9M+TflKolPSvAw2aUx+EttlRQbgFBitP8DqMqWwC3/6EWGMmJO0Bg
> vPemAdgUI7PebV+S2GLVtGJTo0otb8eGRHf2YbTYzmJipII49IlHGzE8GPFLsexE
> Em7XKXdLlaLTgYHjBAm5omX05gJorJelKDjkbiythaW8SDuNLipiyLJLne/Ku0Vy
> qq59RGbpjpNTunKbZ/nUZ/wkYV7bcxO0ybBvzPN6u6D658JLVyBM8Xw0FMMQGIUd
> s05vM5mTKOnhUZ0MzuEUdiDDanTETx2vF5XYtD5ds3yeabLWB1+ltiAq9Xg+TOxM
> Z+momKDIX9dItSMcN/rH+acDI3xoOtKyvzisjfYZ3IuoYN1qM4J2m/GO6BYTNnLa
> CW2pkvqOS3BZBkGwZZzarEREA/M+sbF/fmV/Td3YCRMXUUGVhmmfsoWw08jJWfeV
> H8FxgNqzWYmGs+Q732T0qMRTiCMc89/N0jUkL+gAE/46MQEErm/OY90dLJkd5McL
> bzyGi0WrkovsgUNwzofTkt39/PssNlQ6vmm1e7rrp/EuVMYtsHE=
> =puTk

*Lincoln Stein*

Scientific Director (Interim), Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
Director, Informatics and Bio-computing Program, OICR
Senior Principal Investigator, OICR
Professor, Department of Molecular Genetics, University of Toronto

*Ontario Institute for Cancer Research*
MaRS Centre
661 University Avenue
Suite 510
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M5G 0A3

Tel: 416-673-8514
Mobile: 416-817-8240
Email: lincoln.stein at gmail.com
Toll-free: 1-866-678-6427
Twitter: @OICR_news

*Executive Assistant*
*Lisa Duncan*
Tel: 647-260-7970 <(647)%20260-7970>
Email: lisa.duncan at oicr.on.ca <stacey.quinn at oicr.on.ca>

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