[Debian-med-packaging] Bug#879556: ITP: beads -- 2-DE electrophoresis gel image spot detection

Olivier Langella Olivier.Langella at u-psud.fr
Tue Nov 14 10:31:10 UTC 2017

Hi Andreas,

thank you for your invitation to work on the beads package in the debian 
git repository.
You guessed right for the beads version 1.1.16 : libodsstream needs to 
be packaged.

In alioth, I already have a guest account:
and my ID is :
olivier.langella at u-psud.fr

I'm also involved in the debichem team where I worked on the tandem-mass 
package with Filippo Rusconi.

I've slowly progressed in debian packaging, I would be proud to maintain 
some package one day ;)

I was wondering if beads could go in the debichem branch ?
All my other softwares are clearly related to mass spectrometry and 
proteomics [1], I think it would make more sense ?

Definitely, I would prefer to directly contribute in debian instead of 
maintaining my own mirror.

Kind regards,

[1] http://pappso.inra.fr/bioinfo

Le 13/11/2017 à 17:55, Andreas Tille a écrit :
> Hi Olivier,
> On Mon, Nov 06, 2017 at 05:15:28PM +0100, Olivier Langella wrote:
>> thank you for your interest in beads.
> You are welcome.
>> Actually, the beads source code is now hosted at :
>> https://sourcesup.renater.fr/projects/beads/
>> the git repository is:
>> git clone git://git.renater.fr/beads.git
>> I've left Ubuntu's PPA and I'm maintaining a debian repository with
>> "reprepro" here :
>> http://pappso.inra.fr/bioinfo/install_debian_stretch.php
> Whan I created the beads package for official Debian it was intended to
> make this kind of private repository superfluous since beads is now in
> official Debian.  Unfortunately I obviously did not found the latest
> version.
> The situation is now as follows: beads-1.1.13 is ported to Qt5 (patches
> are available in the Debian packaging repository[1]) and available for
> Debian unstable and testing.  It would be pretty simple to provide a
> backport for Stretch but I think it makes more sense to do this with the
> latest upstream version.
> Since I based the packaging on your initial packaging attempt I kept
> your ID as Uploader of the package.  If you intend to work on the
> official packaging you are more than welcome.  The procedure how we work
> together inside the Debian Med team is described in our team policy[2].
> I would really welcome if you would maintain beads (and possibly other
> software you are providing on your private mirror) in the official
> Debian distribution and its granted that I provide as much help as
> needed for this.
>> The current version is 1.1.16 and I've made a lot of modifications recently
>> (using an inhouse library to generate ODS report files
>> https://sourcesup.renater.fr/projects/libodsstream/ ).
> In other words:  To update beads to version 1.1.16 libodsstream needs to
> be packaged first, right?
>> I can help if you want.
> Thanks a lot for the offer to help.  As I said above I would consider it
> as an ideal situation if we would team-maintain your software in
> official Debian.  Lets see what is needed to do so and replace your
> private repository by the official Debian mirror.
> Kind regards
>     Andreas.
> [1] https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/debian-med/beads.git/tree/debian/patches
> [2] https://debian-med.alioth.debian.org/docs/policy.html

Olivier Langella
Génétique Quantitative et Évolution - Le Moulon
INRA - Université Paris-Sud - CNRS - AgroParisTech
Ferme du Moulon
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Tel :  Fax :
JID : olivier.langella at u-psud.fr

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