[Debian-med-packaging] Help needed for Artemis

Andreas Tille andreas at an3as.eu
Sun Aug 5 06:48:30 BST 2018

Hi Markus,

after fixing the patch I've build all class files successfully but
when it comes to generating the JAR it switches to a subdirectory
which leads to

cd jar_build/build; \
echo "Main-Class: uk.ac.sanger.artemis.components.ArtemisMain\nPermissions: all-permissions" > manifest-art; \
jar cmf manifest-art ../artemis.jar META-INF/services images/Wellcome_Sanger_Institute_Logo_Landscape_Digital_RGB_Full_Colour.jpg images/icon.gif README.md etc \
                     artemis_sqlmap org uk com net htsjdk picard gov joptsimple ngs freemarker ; \
    echo "Main-Class: uk.ac.sanger.artemis.circular.DNADraw\nPermissions: all-permissions" > manifest-circular; \
    jar cmf manifest-circular ../DNAPlotter.jar images/Wellcome_Sanger_Institute_Logo_Landscape_Digital_RGB_Full_Colour.jpg README.md etc \
                         org uk com net htsjdk picard gov joptsimple ngs freemarker ; \
echo "Main-Class: uk.ac.sanger.artemis.components.alignment.BamView\nPermissions: all-permissions" > manifest-bamview; \
jar cmf manifest-bamview ../bamview.jar META-INF/services etc org uk com net htsjdk picard gov joptsimple ngs freemarker ; \
echo "Main-Class: uk.ac.sanger.artemis.components.ActMain\nPermissions: all-permissions" > manifest-act; \
jar cmf manifest-act ../act.jar META-INF/services images/Wellcome_Sanger_Institute_Logo_Landscape_Digital_RGB_Full_Colour.jpg images/icon.gif README.md etc \
                     artemis_sqlmap org uk com net htsjdk picard gov joptsimple ngs freemarker ; \

META-INF/services : no such file or directory
images/Wellcome_Sanger_Institute_Logo_Landscape_Digital_RGB_Full_Colour.jpg : no such file or directory
images/icon.gif : no such file or directory
README.md : no such file or directory

Is there any clever way to solve this instead of doing a lot of copying or symlinking?

Kind regards


[1] https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/artemis


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