[Debian-med-packaging] Bug#907244: ITP: python-depinfo -- retrieve and print Python 3 package dependencies

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Sat Aug 25 11:28:55 BST 2018

Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>

* Package name    : python-depinfo
  Version         : 1.4.0
  Upstream Author : Moritz E. Beber
* URL             : https://github.com/Midnighter/dependency-info
* License         : Apache-2.0
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description     : retrieve and print Python 3 package dependencies
 This is a utility Python package intended for other library packages.
 It provides a function that when called with your package name,
 will print platform and dependency information.

Remark: This package is maintained by Debian Med Packaging Team at
Since this package is needed to upgrade python-cobra which has
rdepends in Python 2 and Python 3 packages for both Python versions
are build.

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