[Debian-med-packaging] No IGV on Debian Buster?

Marta Binaghi marta.binaghi at ips.unibe.ch
Thu Feb 15 12:23:07 UTC 2018

Dear package maintainer(s),

Sorry to bother you, but I'm a newbie and my on-line searches and the 
documentation haven't helped me much.

I'm running Debian Buster and I would like to install IGV but I can see 
here https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/igv that it has been removed from 
testing, and there is no version listed for testing in the left pane.
Does this mean that there is no way to get it running on my system?

Best regards,
Marta Binaghi
PhD student
Institute of Plant Sciences
University of Bern

mobile: +41 787183997
marta.binaghi at ips.unibe.ch
Skype: marta.binaghi16

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