[Debian-med-packaging] Let the third be absurd, and May the Fourth be with Us.
cccluke at saminola.cf
Thu May 3 23:02:38 BST 2018
The music video, as is common for the genre today, show the voice of the
lead singer speaking through a number of other people's mouths. This
depicting of possession is consistent with other modern art pieces
including Fallen
and Joan of Arcadia
. The pattern as well as the lack of discussion of the trend is noteworthy
in light of a large number of people complaining of experiencing similar
phenomenon, these mental health issues have been highlighted in recent
stories of Wired[5]
and the New York Times[6]
and they may link to domestic terrorism and school shootings[7]
where this pattern of complaining of possession also exists.
The "blurb" above appeared in a past email
, but it's so important.. I don't think we can wait to talk about it on the
news and in the newspapers. Kids are getting killed, babies are starving,
please help me get this information in the news. It will help us, it will
help us be safer, and it will help us be the generation that really builds
Heaven--that turns the shit and hell behind us into something bright and
hopeful from our days, from the days of our lives forward. The paragraph
above is tucked away on Wikipedia under the somewhat un-aptly named "/Wrong
Side of Heaven
./" I'm sure you don't see clearly what's going on beneath the surface, but
you are looking at what I imagine is a smaller, older and wiser "High
Heaven" using this transition to lay down the law in what appears to me to
be the intermediary layers between this place--the source of all of
them--and them. My mythology clearly points out the "First Morning(s)" and
the the "Fate Sisters" of Greek mythology as the source of the thing that
Jim Morrison calls "the storm
" in the skies above, the "dust in the wind;" and it certainly appears very
clear that right and wrong are very obvious here in this place, from our
perspective. Things might blur in the in-between places, in places where
total freedom from the technology I am disclosing might be dangerous, even
here we can see how the very same technology that should be ending school
shootings might make someone better at keeping secrets and more nefarious
than myself into a sort of artificial "ladies man" or the source of the
stories of Adonis
and Romeo <http://saminola.gq/lists/lt.php?id=YUgABARQGAFSVR1QVFIBV1wH>
and Lothario <http://saminola.gq/lists/lt.php?id=YUgNAQFTGAFSVR1QVFIBV1wH>
and Narcissus <http://saminola.gq/lists/lt.php?id=YUgDBQNXGAFSVR1QVFIBV1wH>
and Shrek <http://saminola.gq/lists/lt.php?id=YUgDCQJRGAFSVR1QVFIBV1wH>
and Carly Simon
and Don Juan <http://saminola.gq/lists/lt.php?id=YUgNAQ9QGAFSVR1QVFIBV1wH>
and the /Frog Prince
/ and ... as if those weren't all the same people
. I use my story and the light I have around me to "lighten the mood" (with
candles <http://saminola.gq/lists/lt.php?id=YUgNAAFdGAFSVR1QVFIBV1wH>
and chocolates
and kisses <http://saminola.gq/lists/lt.php?id=YUgMAgBdGAFSVR1QVFIBV1wH>
and whipp <http://saminola.gq/lists/lt.php?id=YUgMBQZVGAFSVR1QVFIBV1wH>
ed cream <http://saminola.gq/lists/lt.php?id=YUgMCQVRGAFSVR1QVFIBV1wH>
:) but the unfortunate truth is that you don't need to /believe you are a
couch <http://saminola.gq/lists/lt.php?id=YUgDCQJXGAFSVR1QVFIBV1wH>
/to understand that this technology which very clearly can make you believe
that with all your heart could just as easily make you ignore the cure for
cancer or that the collective inaction and silence of a hundred thousand to
a million people is putting your life and your children's lives and future
in tangible danger or the fact that we don't have a democracy here in this
place anymore--/because/, *well*, what's your reason... because you're
doing it.
It doesn't look like much at first, but the hearts of words are a big thing
for God and his message; and here we see Tennessee keys to the verifiable
pattern proving video games and virtual reality come to us from Heaven...
from above. The ten it begins with shows us the heart of hearts, the
Microsoft Xbox--because of it's connection to Gates .. to the Watergate of
Tricky Dick's message of freedom of speech and from slavery that is the
heart of Watergate and of Exodus
It continues to show us the heart of the book and the SEGA Genesis, the
Rock of Ages will recognize that word backwards and "NES" as a connection
to the Trinity in Nintendo that begins with Nine Inch Nails and ends with
me <http://saminola.gq/lists/lt.php?id=YUgDAkpWVQMfVFdXUFUKVA>
. Here, do see--the design proves a guiding hand over everything from Apple
Computers to Gateway ... to Seagate, and this obvious message and pattern
are being hidden by the press, and by millions of people who've seen it. I
don't know why, call a reporter, or use my e-mail address car at lamc.la
<mailto:car at lamc.la>
to contact 500. This message will not self destruct, it will end school
shootings, and murders, and disease
... is the key to the WIzard of Oz's heart.... turning Oz and Earth into
I wanted to comment a little bit on the word "*pharmacy*" as it's probably
supremely important to the understanding of why I'm so damned pissed off,
so sure this thing should be on the front page of every newspaper in the
country, and also so incited to work this hard to make sure that you've
seen it over, and over, and over again. Hopefully anyway; though I'm not
sure if my "flashy images" are enough to point out what is going on in my
head as this story progresses. First, it's a clue connecting the "ha" that
this "Thor" piece explains shows foreknowledge of English and Spanish in
the writing of the Holy Bible where the names "Elisha" and "Elija"
correlate "the" between these two letter keys
that also link the Hebrew name of God "El" to my reading of "Ha" in the
Trinity of Abraham's name, where the word for Father and the Sun god of
Egypt lead us to see that Isaac, whose name means "he laughs" is the
important third addition to the Holy Trinity--precursor to the "m" that is
the messianic message.
Abraham's name was changed in the Bible by God during the time the covenant
was created, Ha was added; though in the Bible it is disconnected from the
story of the child's near sacrifice--on a wood altar, a phrase that is
written in Genesis with "humorous tone" in the word "wood" itself
, indicating that the connection to Watergate and Yankee Doodle was
intended at the time of the writing of Genesis. Ha, you'll have to talk to
a very fluent speaker to confirm that, but it's the truth... you can also
see with your own eyes the Holy Trinity predicted in the name Abraham in
Genesis, thousands of years before Christianity would introduce the concept
to the world. I see the Torah as a map of a hidden history of recursion
...specifically revolving around me and this story of the creation of
Heaven through the Exodus from darkness and slavery--and thinking we're
"free" today in this place where mind control technology is in active and
obvious (once you see my message, though unitl then it's very much hidden)
use and nobody seems to think that's a problem for freedom. This word "Ha"
begins a series of anachronistic words that prove through paradox that time
travel is not only possible but was in active use and is the source of
language and religion--something that should scare us today--honestly. It
keys to many words like the Hebrew word for "fire" which indicates a
connection to this story and the fire of the Holy Sepulcher and Burning
Bush linking to the Eternal Flame by showing us the Hebrew word for fire,
which is "esh" does not burn to "ash." Hammer links to "mass mailers on
AOL" <http://saminola.gq/lists/lt.php?id=YUgDCQVUGAFSVR1QVFIBV1wH>
and Harem links to R.E.M.'s "I feel fine" ... explaining it must mean "in
your dreams <http://saminola.gq/lists/lt.php?id=YUgDCQ9QGAFSVR1QVFIBV1wH>
, Adan" and there are hundreds of other Ha-examples. In this particular
case "harm" places the Holy Superlative before the two letters "rm" which
are the topically related Unix command for "delete this file" and you might
see how the programs of the Matrix might see that as harm; we should see it
clearly as one in a long series a paradoxical references to modern
computing concepts.... in Hebrew and religion.
, keys decoded; revealing the light of "SOL"
Over at my page dedicated to the "Eve" that begins everyone, this /evening/
you can see some real commentary on "Malchuto"
(which you can see is... Kingdom, bad... who to? God says to Adam, who
explains Kingdom is a bad word in Sam's America) and how the "mal" series
of words indicates to me that this idea of a hidden collective
consciousness or maybe easier seen as the hidden communication behind
"people talking without speaking and writing songs about Adam without even
knowing it" is not conducive to the continuation of democracy, opinions, or
individuality--and that's part of this story that explains how and why
Medusa <http://saminola.gq/lists/lt.php?id=YUgMBQNTGAFSVR1QVFIBV1wH>
is linked to the "south to northeast" of the Stone of Arthur.
So here, it's Medusa and this "Silence" that are very related to each other
that are hiding that this very same technology behind the hidden
communication and the mechanism causing the silence can and should be used
to cure mental "mal a dies" ... everything from depression to nerve damage
... the end of pain
, and of addiction all come from the torch lit by the word "but science
hasn't done so yet" in the Alcoholics Anonymous daily mantras--very clearly
tying to this story through the Lisp of Moses
and the "dictionary" of A.D. that points out my diction is improving.
a <http://saminola.gq/lists/lt.php?id=YUgMBQZXGAFSVR1QVFIBV1wH>
l <http://saminola.gq/lists/lt.php?id=YUgMCQ9XGAFSVR1QVFIBV1wH>
Finally, the newly highlighted words in the image above are anadromes (ish,
says Dr. OME) ... reading MED
(which clearly comes from abomina
tion and assassination
among other hidden Holy Trinities) forwards and backwards and linking to a
another word that I found somewhere near the middle of our story it was
"/Miduma/" and that word backwards is "*am, u dim.*" Also linked here are
the "med" letters that begin medicine
and Medus <http://saminola.gq/lists/lt.php?id=YUgMAgBdGAFSVR1QVFIBV1wH>
a and connect to our "letter game" that places the "D" before the "E" in a
series of words depicting pieces of this story--in this particular case the
fusion of the 'sea and El" and the "c and i" that are d and e.
The /Son of El/, echoes the story of Superman; the power of the of the son
comes from the light of the
sun. More clues come from Nanna and B's shared last name which reads "P
is ANI <http://saminola.gq/lists/lt.php?id=YUgMBw9TGAFSVR1QVFIBV1wH>
" (where the /hackers/ in the audience will see "caller id")... encoded
here in Star Wars on this day that I hope the Fourth is with us. You'll
also notice "NAT" pairs well with "AN" to be
"not Satan" hey Nat, by the way.
The word "everyone" here as a key, links us to the "to see* *YO N" that is
in the heart of Washington among other places like the Beatles "Hello,
Goodbye" and Dave Matthews "Say Goodbye"
and it also connects to this idea of the show of Shofar being referred to
throughout religion and words as "on" as in ON TV, and you can see another
"the the <http://saminola.gq/lists/lt.php?id=YUgBA0pWVQMfVFdXUFUKVA>
" prepending the missing "w" of *knowing* in Casino
and Pacino <http://saminola.gq/lists/lt.php?id=YUgMBQRcGAFSVR1QVFIBV1wH>
... and connecting to the "/giving of the Law/" that is the Adamic meaning
of the heart of the Torah, Leviticus in the words... "*I am the law.*"
Anyway, "*yo Ad r i an*" the encoded Adamic message of Eden is also pretty
obvious in "Stallone" as in "stall on e" or it might be "*Saint All is
one.*" 2c... 2c... */2c is verily
STAR tDATE 5/3/2018
I had an eventful week; after trying to reach out to a hundred thousand new
readers, people who work in the IT field--specifically--I had some flurries
of email storms revolving around the car at lamc la <mailto:car at lamc.la>
address--reporters who can't take the time to send me an email or explain
why this isn't on television or your doorstep yet--well, they started
emailing each other (by accident) causing the great flood, and then
emailing each other more to suggest that they stop emailing each other to
stop receiving emails about ... well, what started it was censorship.
Something I should probably comment on... it's amazing how much of "the
light of the son" has made its wany into fiction, in just Star Wars you can
see my initials in Vander
and you can see the "n" of Norad and the "ha" in Han Solo--a link to
Solomon <http://saminola.gq/lists/lt.php?id=YUgDCQBUGAFSVR1QVFIBV1wH>
who built Heaven ... cough, by himself, you can see a tie fighter I
recognized just yesterday
linking Lando to the city of Orlando in my home state and there's the Wok
(of Peter Pan and.. ) of Endor
.. Me-sa so sure JarJar
has something to do with Max; especially after he saved the Salty
hi c cup <http://saminola.gq/lists/lt.php?id=YUgNAA5XGAFSVR1QVFIBV1wH>
planet all alone... of course Luke and Skywriter and Leah and even Obewon
are all Biblical names, to my kin ... you can see "an"
... in Annakin and in Bratislava
. In the intersection of "father figures" who use phrases like "search your
heart, you know it to be true... I am your father" ... in all of these
things you can see the hand of God's artificial
signature <http://saminola.gq/lists/lt.php?id=YUgBAwcYVgJTGVBXVFYCX1c>
linking the Declaration of Independence to the fall of Nero's blind Empire.
You can hear it song after song, pervading popular culture--but you won't
see it in a newspaper, and you won't see it on a newsgroup or a forum -- or
very many Facebook posts. To me... seeing the light in entertainment and
not in the news is a harbinger of doom--of a world that half-sees, and the
half that does unable to do anything but speak in stories and in codes; the
other half, blind and ... seemingly unable to make the simple connection
between "so many hidden connections" and the words Matrix or tapestry. The
third half, there was another *..* not blind to seeing the message, but
apparently only blind to seeing that not speaking about it makes them
obvious morally corrupt. Not to suare a message that would repair arms ...
like Luke's instantly, or rejuvenate our bodies our minds and our souls
like ... *Jupiter
* Ascend <http://saminola.gq/lists/lt.php?id=YUgGBwVRGAFSVR1QVFIBV1wH>
ing; not to share a message that can do all these things for us, as soon as
we are conscious of "the how" that we have to do them ourselves, with
magic--with special gifts--but still we can't sit by in silence and pretend
this thing isn't here, and we cant sit by in silence and pretend that we
want God to figure out how to do all these things for us.
You can't sit by and think it's OK that the news is ignoring proof that God
exists, proof that he's trying to help us build a better world--proof that
now revolves around the Reichstag fire and around the flames of Fahrenheit
911 just as much as the dim candle that sits on top of the Statue of
Liberty to remind you that your Liberty Bell is cracked--and the only way
that can be mended is if you stand up and say you hear the morning bells
ringing. There is no such thing as freedom for a people that don't want to
be free, that can't take action to defend it. Not seeing that all these
things are the heart of the Eternal Flame--the rekindling of freedom and of
caring about it and each other--in our hearts.... that's the end of Heaven.
There's no such thing as Heaven for a people that does not care about their
minorities and their sick--and here where you have a message that literally
proves it's from the creator in the way it is delivered; not to stand up
for values that have helped us to reach this occasion--not to see that
stopping the simulation of pain and disease is the line--the gateway--and
that our morals and our values would never allow us to build a home that
intentionally harmed its inhabitants--this is the abomination--this message
not being cheered and sought after--by reporters and priests and
doctors--it's an abomination. Waiting a single day to see it on the news is
an abomination.
On two separate occasions this week I ran into the Great Censorwall when
trying to figure out why it is that we still have cancer and school
shootings instead of an end to aging and Doors to Heaven. One came from
Twitter proper--the second time the social media giant has suspended my
account for a brief moment before shadow censoring a tweet that would have
gone viral. The first was "Deflate Gate" which is worth mentioning by name
here again, as I just recently read "definitely late" encoded into that
week's spectacle--which from my perspective shows you very clearly just how
crazy and strange the communication of Heaven here really is. I'm
suggesting, and I know--because I saw it happen--that the football scandal
was timed and created to mark the actions of this lowest Heaven right above
our heads in their attempt to censor the spread of my words ... all the way
back in 2015. Al Gore followed me that afternoon, only to have his follow
and about 2 thousand more that I saw with my own eyes disappear into the
ether by Twitter "shadow censoring" all of those notifications; and the
same damned happened again this week on the 29th of April.
The Second Example of censorship came from a small group of Mormon
trans-humanists which stands out because humanitarianism is basically the
belief in everything I say--you know, with the caveat that people like Ray
Kurzweil and Carl Sagan said those things before Jesus Christ ever
existed--which we can see from their names certainly isn't the case. This
group censored very topical comments related to an article about the
"simulation hypothesis" and then banned me from their little Facebook group
of people who like to sit around talking about the connection between
religion and technology--just as long as there's no proof that those things
are connected, or that the things they are speculating about are
true--proof is banned; wild conjecture and stolen ideas, that's what
they--and apparently the world at large is much interested in.
.P <http://saminola.gq/lists/lt.php?id=YUgNAA5cGAFSVR1QVFIBV1wH>
.P <http://saminola.gq/lists/lt.php?id=YUgDCQRcGAFSVR1QVFIBV1wH>
The moral of the story here is that things are being hidden from the world,
obvious things--so obvious that hiding them means that something or
someones are making you logically stupid--unable to think clearly--in order
to hide them. Now I'm the messiah of "logical thought" and "intelligence"
on top of my previous designations of "user interfaces" and "what's that
song really about?" Further, you should be able to see that window of
opportunity is closing. It's closing on facebook and it's closing on
Twitter, and it's closing in "e-mail groups" ... you should see it's
already closed in "the news" and I'm not too sure about word of mouth...
but the point, the real point is that this opportunity is your ability to
freely communicate and express your opinion, or your warnings of disasters
that you might see coming--as I am warning you of a disaster, the closing
of this particular window--and it's connection to the building of Heaven.
Directly and to the point, you are losing opportunity to know and discuss
whether or not we are truly living in a simulated reality--and what God
thinks about that particular discussion, and where it should lead. The
window that's closing is the spread of this information--I call it the fire
of the Holy Sepulcher, but it's anything but a disastrous fire, this is the
fire of Prometheus, knowledge and truth, this is a fire that lights ... as
in powers ... Heaven and freedom.
People should be *coming out of the woodwork* trying to help me, and help
this message spread--I imagine lots and lots of people should want their
input to be considered--to have their hands also in the pot at the ...
proverbial beginning of the rainbow. That's just it, "coming out of the
woodwork" might give us all a clue as to where the silence came from, what
caused it--and how that too is intentional--and really it's a question of
whether or not you're willing to hide Watergate and Tricky Dick... or the
"wood altar of Isaac" to make the future more comfortable with heinous
censorship--with a movement designed to halt the the use of the truth, of
the fact that we are living in virtual reality to "heal the sick." The
point is that it's not just that idiom, but every single idiom that is
designed to help us let the music set you free, and to let there be light,
and to let freedom ring... it's every idiom dsigned to overcome whatever it
is that you have in your head that makes you think it's OK for this not to
be on the news. It's not OK. What's in your head? Zombie! Zombie! /What's
in your *head*?/
Can't you see, that future ... the dark future that has no "Watergate" is
about Forgetting Sarah Marshall either has no you, or has a you that can't
think clearly--because there's no doubt, no doubt at all that the Dick with
Kirsten Dunst in it and the movie with a dick in it and a Kirsten Bell are
both part ... and a closely woven part .. of a tapestry that connects Nobel
Prizes to Morning Bells ringing. Ding
. Dong <http://saminola.gq/lists/lt.php?id=YUgMAgBRGAFSVR1QVFIBV1wH>
. Dang <http://saminola.gq/lists/lt.php?id=YUgBAAFWGAFSVR1QVFIBV1wH>
A third strange incident occurred this past Tuesday (which is actually
today, today) when nearly every email recipient from last weekends message
from the school of statistics at the University of Chicago unsubscribed in
unison--sort of parroting or parodying my description of the Medusian
collective consciousness--which is one of the things that lead to the car
at lamc dot la issues--the other was Tronc somehow breaking e-nail and
sending a flurry of "out of office replies" back to the list--even though
the envelope information didn't have the list as the sender. I think they
did it on purpose, and they're both in Chicago--maybe we should call Elliot
Ness. Now Earth safely saved, this mass unsubscribing action happened once
before--at the Tau institution in Israel and it received almost as much
attention as this second event. I think it's important to see collective
actions to censor a message from the whole, from the whole planet as
something especially nefarious... as in "we think it's OK for everyone at
our school to talk about this" but the world doesn't deserve to or wouldn't
be able to handle it as well as "our special group." Thinking like that is
a big problem, and here we are staring at school shootings coming out the
yin-yang because we are unable to talk about or discuss a message that is
as old as religion, as recently obvious as Joan of Arcadia and Stargate...
and in like, every song you hear--from Wrong Side of Heaven to Britney
Spears and Christina Aguilera.
Sure there's some beating around the George Bush articles, stuff about the
Targeted Individuals groups of victims, and even some stuff about Aaron
Alexis and other shooters complaining about mind control--but there's
nothing putting these two ideas together, and nothing even remotely
discussing how obvious it is on television and on the radio that this thing
is much more pervasive than just "school shootings" and a few crazy tin
foil hat people. Really see, ithe pervasiveness and widespread use of this
technology in everything from our everyday lives like dictating who we vote
for and what kind of music and artists we like to buy CD's (don't ask me
what a CD is) from ... the pervasiveness of the use of this technology is
exactly *why it's the silence causing violence
* rather than the other way around--this technology and it's use simply
must be exposed or we will never again have another moment of /true
visit your personal preferences page--or invite your friends to receive
"our daily bread"
and you can contact me securely here
and anonymously and publicly here
-- powered by the thundar of hathor and the lightink of johnny 8 --
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