[Debian-med-packaging] Language Translation, Editing and Proofreading Services
submission at unitymail.com
submission at unitymail.com
Fri Nov 30 14:11:32 GMT 2018
Comprehensive Language Editing provides English correction and improvement services for authors for whom English is a second language.
We provide high-quality English language editing and proofreading services.
We also provide language translation services (we translate from Portuguese, French, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Arabic and other languages into English).
Looking for online English editing services means you want to be absolutely sure your English language message will be:Free of English grammar mistakes, free of syntax errors, checked for typos and spelling errors, contain correct punctuation to improve flow and meaning.
Our English editing services are provided by a team of native editors who will do substantive editing on your English.
Comprehensive Language Editing gives you the combined advantage of all of our editing services. Whether you are trying to publish for the first time, or your manuscript was rejected and there is need to revise it, or you just want to save a lot of time and effort,our editing and proofreading services will take you through all the core pre-publication processes. Our services can increase your chances of acceptance, as well as facilitate the publishing process.
Articles should be submitted as e-mail attachments only in MS-Word document to one of the e-mail addresses:
submission at comprehensiveproof.com or comprehensiveproof at gmail.com
Authors should clearly state the Journal they intend publishing at the point of submission.
More details and other instructions are available on our website.
Best regards,
Prof. A. O. Johnson,
Chief Editor,
Comprehensive Language Editing
E-mail: services at comprehensiveproof.com
This mail is intended for University Academics and Researchers who earnestly wish to edit and proofread their articles. Your receiving this mail indicates that you are somehow an Academics, and may have being referred in one way or the other to us. However, we may not always be accurate. As a result, if you feel this mail is accidental and not intended for you or not in your interest, PLEASE reply by putting UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line. We strongly regret the inconvenience.
© Comprehensive Language Editing 2018.
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