[Debian-med-packaging] Bug#909120: camitk FTBFS: tests segfault (Bug #909120)

Emmanuel Promayon Emmanuel.Promayon at univ-grenoble-alpes.fr
Mon Oct 22 19:50:20 BST 2018

Dear all,

> I have read that upstream is joining Debian Science to package recent
> upstream version VTK8.  I expect that VTK6 will be removed from Debian
> soon.  So yes, I'd strongly recommend to follow the stable release cycle
> of VTK upstream, which means that porting camitk to VTK7 is necessary
> for including camitk into Debian and it is sensible to do some checks
> with VTK8 since at some point in time this will be used in Debian.  We
> will not be able to support more than two VTK versions in Debian (most
> probably only one).
Just to let you know about my progress: I finally find some time to try 
to get the current camitk to work with vtk7 and suppress all the 
dependencies to vtk6.
The main problem is due to the necessary change to OpenGL2 backend.
This effort is on a good way thanks to some tweak I found in a post on 
vtk user back in 2016 [1].

To avoid any other potential problem is some other package, should gdcm 
not be set as to conflict with vtk6?

> So far for a short note - more details from VTK maintainers ...
I would still love to know more about the progress towards an official 
debian package for vtk8 (or 9 as it seems on its way!).
I found some discussion about vtk7 and vtk8 packages on debian science 
mailing list and kitware blog, but I am not sure I well understood the 
meaning or consequences.

So any idea about the (near) future would be a great help!

Kind regards,


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