[Debian-med-packaging] Please mark cufflinks as auto-buildable

Alex Mestiashvili amestia at rsh2.donotuse.de
Wed Oct 24 11:00:29 BST 2018

Dear Nonfree/release Team,

could you please enable auto-building of non-free package cuffliks on
Debian's buildds?

The package is non-free due to restrictive license of one of the
components - locfit. As far as I see the license not forbidding
auto-building of the package.

Full d/copyright file:


For your convenience here is the full copyright text of locfit:

Files: src/locfit/*
Copyright: © 1996-2001 Lucent Technologies, Bell Laboratories.
© 1996-2001 Catherine Loader.
License: Locfit
   ABOUT ALGORITHMS:  The Locfit implementation has been designed
largely from the point  of view of generality: to provide a set of
functions that can be  used for as wide a range of local fitting
problems as possible.  It is not intended to be the fastest or most
efficient implementation  possible. In addition to generality, the code
in many places makes  extensive trade-offs made between speed and
numerical accuracy (some  of which can be controlled through optional
arguments). Many of Locfit's  options will only be used in a small
fraction of cases; for other cases,  they add to the cost of overhead
(an obvious example is multi-dimensional  fitting: when used in 1-d,
many loops reduce to for(i=0;i<1;i++)).  Additionally, the user
interfaces (i.e. the R and S-Plus code) add  significantly to the
computational overhead. For these reasons, the  Locfit code, as
distributed, should not, and can not, be used to  derive meaningful
benchmarks, either for the speed or accuracy of algorithms.  Anyone
wishing to use Locfit in any kind of comparative benchmark  study must
contact and obtain permission from the Author.

Thank you,

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