[Debian-med-packaging] Bug#921566: Reopen Bug#921566 closed by Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org> (Bug#921566: fixed in deepnano 0.0+git20170813.e8a621e-3)

Paul Gevers elbrus at debian.org
Sat Feb 9 12:23:22 GMT 2019

Hi Andreas,

On 08-02-2019 21:17, Andreas Tille wrote:
> I admit I see no better solution than to deactivate the autopkgtest.

That would really be a shame. There is really a regression in you
package, as the test used to finish in within two minutes and now times
out after 2:47 hours. So something broke it, albeit maybe not in your
setup. If you remove the autopkgtest to "fix" this bug, I suggest to not
close this bug, but retitle it to something like "deepnano is not
finishing properly and/or in time in some environments" and leave it
open until the issue is resolved (by deepnano, or by the (indirect)
dependency that caused this issue). It's clear caused by something
outside of deepnano, maybe
https://ci.debian.net/data/packages/unstable/amd64/d/deepnano/1680359.log has
a hint for you?


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