[Debian-med-packaging] Bug#920857: ITP: scoary -- pangenome-wide association studies

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Tue Jan 29 21:01:59 GMT 2019

Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>

* Package name    : scoary
  Version         : 1.6.16
  Upstream Author : Ola Brynildsrud <ola.brynildsrud at fhi.no>
* URL             : https://github.com/AdmiralenOla/Scoary
* License         : GPL-3.0
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description     : pangenome-wide association studies
 Scoary is designed to take the gene_presence_absence.csv file from
 Roary as well as a traits file created by the user and calculate the
 associations between all genes in the accessory genome and the traits. It
 reports a list of genes sorted by strength of association per trait.

Remark: This package is maintained by Debian Med Packaging Team at

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