[Debian-med-packaging] P.O. 00972ST-[0511201]

Приёмная ГК ТЭСС info at tessholding.ru
Sun Nov 24 20:05:51 GMT 2019

 From:   Приёмная ГК ТЭСС <info at tessholding.ru> 
 Sent:   11/24/2019 11:02 PM 
 Subject:   Re: Re: P.O. 00972ST-[0511201] 

Reference to the  above mention subject, please find attached herewith our Official P.O.  00972ST-[0511201] duly signed and stamped for supply.  
Do note  the attached model pictures and confirm if they are available for  delivery for item No 1,5 & 8, and give us wholesale price. 
Thanks &  Regards,  
Alireza  Hashemi 
Tel:  +381113114764
Tel: +381113132165
Tel:  +381112139466
Email: info at sanmco-doo.com
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