[Debian-med-packaging] Bug#950853: gffutils tests are timing out with Python 3.8

Stefano Rivera stefanor at debian.org
Mon Feb 10 17:00:06 GMT 2020

Control: tag -1 + patch

Hi Matthias (2020.02.07_05:18:06_-0800)
> gffutils tests are timing out with Python 3.8, while they succeed when run with
> 3.7.  Currently only seen in an Ubuntu focal environment, however the upstream
> sources don't mention 3.7 and 3.8 at all.

I spent some time debugging this last week, and I *think* the cause is

This patch seems to avoid it: https://github.com/daler/gffutils/pull/155


Stefano Rivera
  +1 415 683 3272

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